&& OOTP Semi-review & babble && SPOILERS

Jul 12, 2007 10:15

The Good:

1. Luna. a) Evanna Lynch was a real-life HP fan, which is just awesome. b) She's quite convincing in her "not-all-there" -ness and pretty much nails the role. Also, I'm biased because I just love Luna.


3. DUMBLEDORE. Okay, well...he didnt pwn as much as I envisioned, but I'm okay with that. I probably fangirl Dumbleydore way too much anyway. His escape---pretty awesome. Fighting Voldie at the end? Also great. BUT GAWD I HATE THAT LITTLE BEARD PONYTAIL.

But DUDE, he called Voldemort TOM. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love how Dumbley's all 'fuck a bunch of that LORD VOLDEMORT CRAP He Who Must Not Be ---FUCK THAT. TOM.' LOLOLOLOLOL. It's like meeting that total dipshit you knew in high school fifteen years later at some Goth club where he's wearing all this PVC and eyeliner and he's going by some stupid shit like LORD DAMIAN VON HELSING RAVENBLADE blah blah and you're all "Y HAI THAR BRENT."

Dear Dumbledore,
Marry me plz.
Grabby Aeri

4. UMBRIDGE. Her annoying little 'hem hem' was PERFECT. She was irritating, despicable, condescending, vile and had horrible fashion sense. Prettier than portrayed in the books, but made up for it in spades with her nastiness.

5. KITTEH PLATES. ETA: What the Weasley twins really needed to do was hex those fuckers to spit hairballs at Umbridge.

6. Annoyed!Snape. The look on his face during Umbridge's little 'inspection' was great.

7. NEVILLE. OMG FRANK & ALICE. SQUEE!!!! Maybe I have too much of a soft spot from playing Neville's mother in so many RPs over the years, but I was so happy with the OOTP photo. Also: PETER PETTIGREW HAD A MULLET. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. (But seriously, stop making PP look untrustworthy & oily from the get go---James, Sirius, Lupin & Lily weren't complete dolts (okay maybe James kind of was lol) ---the guy was their friend for a long time, and they trusted him enough to be Secret Keeper, right? )

8. Sirius calling Harry JAMES. Loved it. Poor dude is unhinged.

The Meh:

1. Cho. The actress was good, there just wasn't as much ....oomph as I had hoped, and I never really got the sense that Harry cared all that much. I mean HERMIONE seemed to take more notice of what was going on between Harry & Cho, whilst Harry was all 'lalalala angst angst lalalalalala'.

2. Umbridge's demise. Since they cut out a lot of stuff with Grawp (sort of understandably) and really played down the unrest of the Centaurs and how dangerous the Forbidden Forest had become, there was, oh...it just didn't pack enough of a punch.

3. The Death Eaters. These guys were fearsome, right? Uh, right? It seemed like they were having an off day or something because they kept getting Stupefied and never really got any spells in on their own. Maybe they were really surprised to be flying around suddenly. 'DUDE I can flyeeeee....oh, shit....STUPEFIED. D'oh.'

No time-turners crashing, no Ron being injured by the facehugging tentacle thingie, no real battles happening except for Neville's brief, shining moment of awesome (which was way awesomer in the book), Luna's stupefy and Ginny's REDUCTO.

I missed Tonks being injured---and any focus on the other OOTP members fighting the DEs.

I LOVED the effects, but I was underwhelmed with the battle at the ministry. The fight between Harry and Bella should have been longer, should have had more words...she like, barely spoke.

4. No mention of Andromeda, nor did we see her burned out spot on the tapestry. And no Mrs. Black's shrieking portrait. Bah.

5. Dang, there was a lack of Tonks. :(

6. I could have done with more screentime for a great deal of other characters.


The WTF:

1. Dudley. THE HELL? The first scene, where he was taunting Harry----DUDLEY R U DRUNK?! Idk, his whole delivery was like some kind of in-the-middle-of-the-desert peyote thing for me. But, whatever. Also, LOL @ Dudders' shirt & shorts. SIRIUSLY.


3. There should have been more Weasley twins. I mean, yes---I know they really haven't had Peeves in the movies, but the whole business about the fireworks really could have been better. I missed the spelling of vile words in lights, (lol POO) the swamp in the middle of the hall, McG telling Peeves how to loosen the chandelier, etc.

4. I really would have liked to see more of McG hating on Umbridge. Shit, I would have loved to see more of Annoyed!Snape....or just Snape.

5. SIRIUS' DEATH. Was over in two seconds. I almost missed it when I blinked. And it was just kind of....idk....meh?

6. ETA: WHERE THE FUCK WAS LUPIN? He was in it so little I actually forgot he was in it. :/

All in all, I'm fluctuating between a C+++ & a B--.

I'm still going to buy it, though. Mostly because I am addicted, have no willpower, and love this fandom so much.

ETA: Harry's vision of Voldemort in the suit at the trainstation. I was AK'd by LOL. I kept thinking of that 'It's Dolce & Gabana BITCHES.' icon.

fandom, movie review, hp babble, ootp movie

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