If I could paint the world
As it appears to me,
I would need every colour,
Black to blue to green.
White for the innocent,
So quickly lost;
For an elder's hair;
For snow and frost.
Red I'd need in abundance,
For true love and for war;
For the heart singing;
For the blood stained lore.
Blue I want for peace,
For comfort and the sea;
For Venus's tender gaze,
Watching from above me.
Yellow I would need,
For youth, for spring;
For the lovelorn maid
So hopefully singing.
Purple I would give
To those things noble and brave;
For the promise of night,
For that we wish to save;
Green is for the mothers;
For the whispering leaves;
For the ones that are hidden;
For the envious tease.
Orange for the joyous,
The fiery, the bright;
For the most stubborn,
Whether for wrong or right.
Pink for the gentle things,
For caresses, for wants;
For all those kisses
That were only taunts.
Grey is for the shadows,
Glimmering with mystery;
For those never to be the same,
For names forgotten by history.
Brown is for the bitter,
And for the sweet;
For those who hold us close,
And those faces we meet.
Black, The End, The Void,
I would paint last;
For Night at its most beautiful;
For the Questions Unasked.