My Belief System Selector Results
Your Results:
1. New Age (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (95%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
4. Liberal Quakers (81%)
5. New Thought (75%)
6. Mahayana Buddhism (74%)
7. Theravada Buddhism (72%)
8. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
9. Secular Humanism (62%)
10. Reform Judaism (60%)
11. Scientology (59%)
12. Sikhism (57%)
13. Orthodox Quaker (56%)
14. Taoism (56%)
15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (55%)
16. Jainism (48%)
17. Bahá'í Faith (47%)
18. Hinduism (44%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (38%)
20. Non-theist (35%)
21. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (30%)
22. Islam (27%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (26%)
24. Jehovah's Witness (26%)
25. Seventh Day Adventist (24%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (18%)
27. Roman Catholic (18%)
I find it hilarious that Roman Catholic (which my mom sort of is, or at least claims to be) is the lowest on the list.
I'm glad that Unitarianism is third, at least, because I am going to try to go to a UU church this Sunday. I am feeling kind of alone in the spiritual part of my life right now (because let's face it. A lot of Neo-Pagans and New Age people are in the religion not for the spiritual aspects, but because it was cool and they wanted to be able to have more control over their fates through magic).
I've done some reading and the UU seems pretty close to my beliefs (obviously, according to this test)...I hope that it will work out, but for some reason I have a fear of being in the pews again. I always felt so out of place in Christain churches, to the point I'd feel sick just being in a church. Even now, just thinking about it, my stomach is tighting up. I'm going to be brave, though, and go. Wish me luck. O.O