I love my life at the moment! I have a boring but great new job. I have an active social life for once and it's just fantastic!
Another beer bust came and went on Friday, Ian came over (yeah still in love despite the fact he has a GIRLFRIEND *scowlsandpouts*) and bought us macdonalds before getting drunk on 1 vodka!!
I actually remember all of this one though! Yay me! We all danced lots and drank lots and laughed lots at the antics of some of the boys! I had a few extra people crash over as well as Hev and Kirst, Kirst took my bed, Ian took a chair mattress thingy, Anders commandeered the futon leaving me hev and kev to the floor! HOW RUDE!!!
SOOO stiff all weekend!!
Hev had toi go home on sat :( K and I carried on through the hangover (helped again by my wonderous sister on a mcdonalds mercy mission!) Ian left early but came back to take us shopping for enchilada stuff (he even paid.. did I mention how much I love this guy?) then Tim joined us for gorgeous K made enchiladas (which they have not stopped raving over at work) and movies. Nice mongy chilled evening, even if Ian did flake out at 8!!
Sunday saw us at maccys again (oh dear oh dear) then watching lots of buffy thanks to Hev who'd bought kirsten the entire dvd boxset.. mmmm lots of Xander :D Then Irish Chris kidnapped me to go see Wedding Daze.. not as bad as I thought, very entertaining even if I did find myself oddly attracted to Jason Biggs :S
Broadband training at new job today NEVER BEEN SO BORED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! The guy can barely speak english and the trainign consited of him reading from a dry old booklet, then 'expanding' every now and again with every other word being 'basically, 'y'know' or 'like' *bangs head against wall*
Ive been swapped back into Ians shift pattern, so he'll now be giving me lifts home :) BUT theyve given us a seating plan.. he's FAR away and behind me so not even in my eyeline to perv :S