Just trying to think of what's been happening since the last time I updated.
I've got myself into a big financial mess! I managed to get a loan and pay off my credit card, and even though I haven't used the rest for what it was intended for (big horrible bill) I'm still way skinter than I should be, I can't work it out!
Ian's birthday didn't help! We spent a FORTUNE!
Totally worth it though :D I hosted a 'small' party at my flat but had enough food to feed the 500! Poor Tim was slaving away all morning at my mini oven, and if Hev and I ever see a balloon again it will be too soon.
We had WAY too much to drink, and because we had a chocolate fountain, the 'genius' idea of dipping all the savoury food into it was brought up. Quiche and chocolate? Onion Bhaji and chocolate?
Not good
That and the stupid consumption of Jaegermeister, which I already hated with a firey passion led to the worst hangover I've had in years. I died several times!
Work's going ok, we had a panic over the last few weeks because we didn't want to take incoming calls. However, now we're on them, there's no call traffic and we're able to piss aboput between them. To the extent that I'm playing online Scrabble through Facebook with my manager! Happy Days!
Still in love with Ian, he and his girlfriend were together at the pub quiz, all cozylike. Then a load of pictures of them being uber couply have gone up on facebook and I was SO jealous. I can't stop myself :(
I think that's about it at the moment. Ooh, we went to see Ray Quinn with Hev last night (he came second in last years 'X Factor' which is our current 'American Idol' type show.
He was good, he shouldn't talk between songs as he hasn't got the patter down too well, way too cheesy and a bit cringeworthy.
But he was nothing compared to his support act.
She had a song based upon her favourite film.. Forrest Gump...
Sample 'classic' lyrics are
Don't stop running Forrest run
Don't stop running Forrest Gump
Don't stop running Forrest run
It's such a beautiful day...
*icky shivers*
Other great rhyming couplets from other songs included, 'She likes peppers but not too hot, she likes HipHop but not alot.... she's in love with 70's disco.'
Naturally, instead of singing some nice big band songs on the way home, we had that crap in our heads... and still is.
*bangs head on desk repeatedly*