Title: After the Crossroad - The Angel's Pathway
Genre: fluff, angsty-fluff
Length: 3-shot
Word count: 6,097
Pairing: SoulMate aka JaeChun, YunJae (BFF)
Rating: PG, for some bad words
Disclaimer: not mine in real life, *sad*
A/N: alright! part 1 of the sequel for
Sunshine at the Crossroad is here. thank you so very much for all of you who've read and
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Comments 37
This story is beautiful hun. Totally unexpected but is a very much a welcoming surprise ♥ I like how the story flows and darn I want JaeChun to meet again..!!!!
my heart stops momentarily when the boy said that Yoochun's gone but thank goodness you didn't let it hangs there! xD
Please update soon~~ ♥
i got carried over with their lives and forgot that they're supposed to meet again xD
i'll update as soon as i can ^o^
update update update update update!!!!
don't ever use the term "gone" cause that made my heart stop for awhile
and. . .yay jae's not a pedo anymore cause chun's legal now!! (ok i think im drunk)
i'll be hella waiting for the update and it better be soon!!
thank you so much! \(o^,^o)/ i will update soon!
i got the feeling that they meeting going to be, the sakura blooms.. the wind blows.. and Jae sees his Little Sunshine.. his Little Sunshine grew bigger, more handsomer *alertchunbiased*, when their eyes finally meet.. Jae's heart beating faster.. and then.. and then... his Little sunshine asking him.. "who're you??.. lol
excuse me for my randomness^^
update this like tomorrow?? XD
still love this!!!
your comment made me laugh, like, really laugh xD such a cute scene!! i'm thinking of a cute concept for the final chapter, hopefully it turned out fine ^^
thank you so much!! \(^^)/
tell you what.. i only read jaechun's XD
btw junchan's friend is Jae's Little sunshine right??
just noticed that the last part going to be short T____T.. dont feel guilty about it.. its just me never get enough of jaechun^^
I love Yunho and I want that kind of BF too coz he's so sweet and nosy!
Jaejung must be in a lot of pain after leaving Yoochun wasn't he? because ha practically shuns everything happy out of his life and I really how that Yoochun will come back and bring the sunshine back into his bleak boring life!
I really hope that Jae will be okay though...I hope he won't collapse anytime soon and pronounced dead suddenly...
and that 'gone' part scares the heck out of me too!
update soon!coz i'm biting my nails in anticipation!
i'll deliver the next chapter before jae collapse again ^O^
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