yesterday was a bad day. one of those days when you feel like something is wrong, something big, but you can't figure out what. maybe that milos wont be in school for a week? or that my grandma is getting older? homework?
thank you to max, mer, josh and leora. you managed to make the night look quite a bit better :)
my love tape shirt... the shirt from love tape day which was covered in love tape. it wasn't too hard for me to remove the tape and put the really dirty, cty-smelling shirt in the hamper.
symbolic? i dunno...
really stressed and packed weekend. bleh. goodnight loveys.
i have been making lots of time-management mistakes. so many that i haven't taken my medicine today.
i think im going to have to quit the newspaper. i can't believe this.
my friends are more important. school isn't worth it. i am so stuck... how did school take over my life? i dont understand. i dont want to work anymore. i want to go away.