(no subject)

Dec 24, 2004 22:26

Fun Firsts.

First best friend: Janet.. dont remember her last name

First car: '95? Mercury villiager. Gotta love the mini van.

First date: Jesse Miller, great lakes mall.. '01 ish?

First real kiss:  again.. '01

First screen name: Dont remember. soemthing weird though

First self purchased CD: Dont remember this one either..

First pets: Keasha in Moldova. died of rat poisoning. Dont ask.

First piercing/tattoo: ears

First musician you remember hearing in your house: Metallica or Pink Floyd

Last cigarette: never

Last car ride: home from Jesses

Last kiss: about 4:45 today?

Last good cry:  little less then a week ago.

Last library book checked out: Cat's Cradle. You people should read it. good book.

Last movie seen: Shrek 2? for the second time.

Last beverage drank: Water

Last food consumed: Something russian

Last crush: heh.

Last phonecall: Jesses mom. odd as that is

Last time showered: Last night.

Last shoes worn: my boots.

Last cd played: Unwritten Law- Elva

Last item bought: a gift card to ebay I think?

Last annoyance: My mom

Last dissapointment: Getting woken up by some idiot who called 15 times. -_-

Last shirt worn: Black tank top.... in winter.

Last website visited: www.eyemaze.com   fun stuff. weird ass games

Last word you said:"I'm still getting high... " they're lyrics I swear.

Last song you sang: "Hellborn" - Unwritten Law

What color socks are you wearing? I'm not

What color of underwear are you wearing? black

What's under your bed? Nothing I think

What time did you wake up today? too early. 10:39. dad called from work.


Where do you want to go? around the world if possible.

What is your career going to be? I thought I knew, but I dont anymore.

Where are you going to live? : / I've no clue

How many kids do you want? Hopefully none. But if I do end up haveing kids then no more then 2

What kind of car(s):  something big, so when I run over people, the bump doesnt throw me off-course.


Current mood:  Lousy day, good mood. second one in a row. Cant complain.

Current music: Unwritten Law- Elva. 'geronimo'

Current taste: blood. I bit my tounge

Current hair:  In need of a trim.

Current clothes: Random pants, tank top, zip-up hoodie and slippers.

Current annoyance(s): dry lips.

Current desktop picture:  a whale type thing. its cool lookin'

Current book: all the books from all of my classes. I'm actually going to study for mid-terms this year. yay.

Current color of toenails: believe it or not.... pink. bleh.

Current hate: who has those anymore?

[ full name ] Yelena Fudym
[ spell your first name backwards ] Myduf Aneley
[ the user name reason?] elena fudym... el_f... that and someone started calling my elf for some reason..
[ birthday] April 6, 1988
[ sex ] female
[ status ] Jesse.
[ where do you live?] White Lake
[ 4 words that describe you ] lost, forgetfull, superflouous, blond
[ hair color ]dirty blond.
[ zodiac sign ] Aries
[ heritage ] Moldavian, Russian

last person
[ you touched ] My dad
[ you talked to ] My dad
[you hugged ] Jesse
[you kissed] Jesse
[ you instant messaged ] Jesse Miller
[ you yelled at ] cant remember. its been a while.

either - or
[ righty or lefty ] righty
[ innie or outtie ] innie
[ thong or bikini] both. depends on my mood
[ pepsi or coke ] neither.
[McDonald’s or burger king ] neither.
[ single or group dates ]  double
[ adidas or nike ] doesn't matter
[ lipton ice tea or nestea ] doesn't matter
[ 7-11 or wawa ] umm?
[ cappuccino or coffee ]  tea.

what is
[ your most overused phrase] "or what not"
[your best feature ] my mouth... when its shut.
[ your bedtime ] when ever I get tired.
[ your greatest accomplishment ] I've never done anything thats considered great. cant really answer this one.
[ your most missed memory ] rolladium. 'nuff said.
[ your favorite article of clothing ]  bra. I dont understand how women ever wanted to burn them.

have you ever
[ kissed in the rain ] yup
[ called someone in the middle of the night/cuz u couldnt wait any longer to hear their voice] yup
[ thought about someone so much you annoyed yourself ] yup
[ talked about someone to the point of people telling you to shut up ] heh.. yeah
[ who’s the person you miss the most ] wont say.
[ watched the stars with someone ] Coop. and they were falling stars. Really pretty.
[ cried because you were so happy ] probably have.
[ been in love, but it wasn’t returned ] no. they dont have mine til I have theirs.
[ kept something that smelled so you could smell it when you missed that person] dont think so
[called someone more than 5 times during the day] ha. well over.
[ gone out on a date ] yup.
[ eaten an entire box of oreos ] definetly not.
[ binge ate a pint of ben and jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream ] no
[ eaten sushi ] yeah
[ been on stage ] a few times. Dont like crowds. ::shudder::
[ been dumped ] barely counts.. but yeah.
[ gone skating ] skating, yes. ice skating, no.
[ made homemade cookies ] yup.
[ been in love ] uh-hu.
[ gone skinny dipping ] umm. I dont believe I have.
[ dyed your hair ] kinda.
[ stolen anything ] yes
[ played a game that required removal of clothing ] as much of a loser as I am.. no.
[been caught "doing something" ] not really. dont think it counts.
[ been called a tease ] does cruel count?
[ gotten beaten up ] almost. I dont fight.
[ shoplifted ] yeah. : /
[ changed yourself to fit in ] too shy to fit in when it gets down to it.

I have kissed someone:
(x)on the cheek.
(x)on the lips.
(x)on their hands or fingers.
(x)in my room.
(x)in their room.
(x)of the same sex.
(x)of the opposite sex.
(x)younger than me.
(x)older than me.
(x)with jet black hair.
(x)with curly hair.
(_)with blonde hair & blue eyes.
(_)with flaming red hair.
(x)with straight hair.
(x)smaller/shorter than me.
(x)bigger/taller than me.
(_)with a lip ring.
(_)who was drunk.
(_)who was high.
(x)who I had just met.
(_)who was homosexual.
(x)who I didn't really want to kiss.
(x)on a holiday.
(_)who was going out with someone else.
(_)who was going out with someone close to me.
(_)who was my good friend's brother or sister.
(_)who had been/is in jail.
(_)in a graveyard.
(x)at a show/concert.
(_)at the beach.
(x)in a pool, jacuzzi, or some type of water.
(x)who was legally too young/old for me to have sex with.
(x)with dyed hair.
(_)with a shaved head.
(x)who was/is my good friend.
(_)who was/is in a band.
(_)who has tattoos.
(_)who is of a completely different race than me.
(x)in the rain.
(x)in another continent besides where I was born.
(x)with an accent.
(_)with an std.
(_)on a boat.
(x)in a car/taxi/bus.
(_)on a plane.
(_)at the circus/carnival.
(_)with a missing body part.
(x)in the movies.
(x)eskimo style.
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