(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 20:28

bold everything you like:

1. watching the sunset
2. hearing your favorite song
3. getting new clothes
4. taking a hot shower
5. laughing until it hurts
6. breaking peoples hearts
7. listening to rap
8. listening to country
9. watching the simpsons
10. watching pimp my ride
11. making fun of people
12. getting your siblings in trouble
13. standing up for people
14. seeing everyone else around you happy, even though your not
15. jumping rope
16. scoring in sports
17. getting good grades
18. finding $20 from last year
19. finding out your crush likes you too
20. having sexual intercourse [of any kind, kissing, sex, etc.]
21. people of the opposite sex
22. holding hands with someone you like
23. self-mutilation
24. eating
25. driving
26. talking on the phone
27. talking on the comp
28. downloading music
29. getting into fights
30. writing poetry
31. singing
32. playing an instrument
33. dancing
34. playing sports
35. watching football
36. watching ice hockey
37. watching baseball
38. watching basketball
39. painting your nails
40. going to formals
41. going out to eat
42. celebrating your bday w. friends
43. celebrating your bday w. family
44. going to the movies
45. renting movies w. your girlfriend
46. renting movies w. your best friends
47. eating dinner w. your family
48. eating pizza

49. meeting new people
50. drinking chocolate milkshakes
51. watching disney classics
52. going to school
53. going to concerts
54. going to punk rock shows
55. opposite sex|preps
56. opposite sex|punks
57. opposite sex|hicks
58. opposite sex|emos
59. not attracted to one certain group
60. winning solitaire
61. getting awards
62. working
63. cleaning your room
64. orginizing your closet
65. helping the elderly
66. little kids
67. getting drunk or any kind of high
68. smiling for no reason
69. this number

70. arm wrestling
71. riding the school bus
72. walking
73. exercising
74. telling lies
75. keeping secrets
76. starting rumors
77. complaining
78. being a bitch
79. being a prick
80. talking about people
81. eating ice cream cake
82. spraying whip cream in your mouth
83. doing homework
84. hanging with your best friends
85. going to highschool football games
86. doing highschool social events
87. blasting your music until you get in trouble
89. cats
90. dogs
91. your animals
92. tattoo(s)
93. piercing(s)
94. tattoo(s) on the opposite sex
95. piercing(s) on the opposite sex
96. getting comments on your journal

97. getting msgs when your away on aim
98. drinking coke
99. this survey
100. finishing this survey

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