I nicked allllllllllllllll these from Kathy. I was just too lazy to steal em and put em in MY photobucket. Thanks for making being lazy a little bit easier, bebeh.
w/ Sierra and Kathy
Skyler and Andreuuuuh
w/ Sierra and Andrea
w/ Sierra, McGuinnes, and Andrea. I wouldn't look so stupid, but Brian got in my fuckin way and I had to move.
heh. He said wood.
so she said boob.
Gang sign overload, dude.
Gang signs, and then you got Ray-Rizzle rapping...
Rapping nonstop alllll day long.
We were shakin' that ass.
...still shakin'.
thass a beautiful sight.
Me and Sierra gettin our drink on
Broken leg Chris and that girl I met several times but I can never remember the name of
And this is from the Monster Squad show the night before, I just had to post it cuz it's classic Tyler.
Because I, like, love those boys!