Title: A Grave Mistake
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: James/Elizabeth
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilery.
Summary: James has made a mistake, and Captain Barbossa wants to help.
Beta Credit: None.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 441
“Ye made a grave mistake, yeh did, not following right after the lass.”
James pressed his palms against the wall of the ship, leaning all of his weight on the wood.
“I knew that the moment I was run through,” he answered, smiling bitterly and turning to the captain.
“Aye, that too, but something more.”
James looked at him inquiringly. Barbossa slapped him on the back.
“She’d’ve taken ye.”
“What’s a pirate know of love? Surely your knowledge of romance is not that of an officer.”
“ye take too much pride in yer position. T’was your ego which set her off, aye?”
James sighed. Perhaps the Pirate King was right.
“Perhaps, but the whelp is not an asset either.”
Barbossa smiled, bearing his yellow teeth.
“Ye’ve been spendin’ too much time with dear ol’ Jack, no?”
“We figured we might start a club or a religion. The Rejects of Elizabeth Swann.”
Barbossa turned his head to James, who didn’t notice. The former, however, noticed something else-James had said “Swann” in the spot which “Turner” had since commandeered. The captain smiled and turned back to the vast sea.
“She has a wait of ten years, and a lonesome ten they’ll be.”
“If I’m not honorable, I am nothing. Though I would very much enjoy destroying Turner, I doubt Elizabeth would appreciate my advances nor do I believe she’d have me.”
“Were Will not an issue, would you?”
James sighed. “Even then, I doubt she would accept even a trial courtship. Though, I may be willing to try once.”
“I know a man who would stab the boy’s heart had he a reason other than his own want.”
“Yes. Perhaps a little persuasion is in order?”
“No. I could not allow the thing she loves most to be ripped away, especially when the thing brought me back from dead. Love is much less lonely than being dead.”
“You speak as if I know not. I, too, have experienced death.”
“you had been immortal. Was it not a relief to die?”
“Not at all.” Jack (the monkey) pounced onto Barbossa’s shoulder.
Pintel appeared behind the trio.
“Food’s ready, Cap’tin.”
“Aye, and heartily shall we eat!” He took a few steps and looked back to James. “C’mon, lad-an empty stomach can hurt much as a full heart.”
James sighed, staring towards the horizon before turning to follow Barbossa.
Defeated, he spoke, “Where’s Jack?”
“How many times must I remind you all? It’s Captain Jack.”
Barbossa grinned and went to join Pintel and the rest of the crew. James turned to Jack.
“Do you have a plan?”
“Again, mate-I’m Captain Jack Sparrow!”