Title: Stranger
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I wish.
Summary: “Miss Swann,” he smiled. “You do not recognize me?”
Word Count: 194
Status: Complete
Warnings: None
Pairings: Elizabeth Swann/James Norrington
“Can I help you?”
At nineteen years old, Elizabeth Swann was still timid around strangers. There was something oddly familiar about the man that stood before her.
He raised his eyebrows.
“Miss Swann,” he smiled. “You do not recognize me?”
She rested her hand on the knob that marked the beginning of the railing on the staircase and parted her lips in wonder. Those eyes. Where had she seen those eyes before? They reminded her of the sea. They reminded her of home. They reminded her of mother.
“Wait,” she said softly. “Don’t tell me.”
She took a few steps forward and placed her palm to his cheek. He closed his eyes.
“Let me see your eyes,” she said.
He, unwillingly, opened them again, but kept his mouth open a little in amazement. Her touch was soft.
“James Norrington.”
He smiled. “Yes, it is I, at your service, fair lady.”
She kissed his cheek.
They were only friends. He had to remind himself.
“You know, James,” she lifted her mouth to his ear and he dared to press his hands to the small of her back. “I like you much better without that wig.”
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