We've lived in this apartment for five years, but we're not allowed to paint the walls or anything, so our decorating abilities are kinda limited. In the last year, though, we've started collecting pieces by artists we like, and prints when original pieces are out of our price range (we would love a page of
Becky Cloonan inks, but...)
All photos slightly askew to avoid a giant camera reflection.
A small piece by
nesting, who does gorgeous animal paintings and photography.
print by
Matthew Woodson. I love his ink work too, and some of the comics he did for FLIGHT.
Becky Cloonan print. It was through DeviantArt, though sadly none of her recent stuff is available as prints anywhere.
A small photo by
Elisa Lazo de Valdez. Both this and the last print ensure that our kitchen walls have plenty of nakedness and tentacles.
A page of original inks from
Meg Gandy's webcomic,
Godsend! Kiri just got me this as an early birthday gift (since we'll be in China for most of May). Yet another artist who does gorgeous gorgeous inks. I wish my lines were that confident!
She's selling more pages here.
And to make the surprise even better, she included a small piece of the comic's main character reading an issue of IN MAPS & LEGENDS! haha
They're all more impressive in person, but I wanted to share. :o
We live pretty frugally (visiting Europe every other year to see her family is kinda costly, aand comics don't pay much), but buying art makes us happy and I like to support other artists.
Also makes me happy: fancy barely-used bread-machine bought today at a moving sale. April/May means all the college kids leave and there are some delightful things to be found. Cat is intrigued by the buzzing and clunking going on.
What's on your walls?