Whoa. Okay. Just need to catch my breath. How epic was that ending? I kind of thought heading into the book that Dumbledore had to be the one to go, seeing the pattern of Harry's protectors falling to save him. It didn't make it any easier though. Just brutal. And through the entire book I couldn't decide which side Snape was on, and now I'm completely horrified. Wow.
I could not figure out who the Half-Blood Prince was because I was certain Snape was a pure blood. My immediate and certain instincts through most of the book told me that it was Snape's text, but I didn't believe it because I thought he was a Pure-Blood. Man. She got me again.
Dumbledore's hand. Never explained. Can we find out next time, please? And what was that argument with Snape about? Was Dumbledore ordering Snape to fulfill the Unbreakable Vow? Is Snape still redeemable? AAAARGH!
As for the horcruxes. Whoa. This is a whole new game, isn't it? The three abandoning Hogwart's for good to seek and destroy the pieces of Voldemart's soul. Just EPIC.
I've read a couple theories now that Dumbledore became a horcrux by drinking the potion, and Snape knew this and killed him, and blahblahblah. Okay. That's a theory. I don't understand what the point of that note with the locket would be, then. And wasn't there a locket that resided at 12 Grum that no one could open? Perhaps Mud stole it... I'll have to go back and check. As for R.A.B., one of the Black's perhaps?
My first instinct is to believe that HARRY IS A HORCRUX. From the moment they revealed that the horcrux could be placed in something living, I had an OMG moment. Harry shares all of these characteristics with Lord Voldemort, and Dumbledore always would say that when V attacked Harry he left a piece of himself behind... Perhaps when Voldemort's spell went awry, in the backlash that followed the piece of his soul that he meant to encase in a horcrux actually entered Harry instead, thereby making him the horcrux. This is why they are so linked, and maybe it would explain why no one else is allowed to kill Harry besides Lord Voldemort. I'm not being entirely clear hear, but this also makes sense to me with the prophecy. Neither can survive while the other lives. After a reread I can probably elaborate, but that's the general idea.
And Draco. Wow. Way to finally give him some depth, J.K. There's a whole other spectrum of possibilities for this kid.
I can't deal with this right now. I can't even process. Dear God, there's a Book 7.
I am at your mercy.