(no subject)

Nov 24, 2007 12:27

Overview of existing listings: Ecology

Burke, John Gordon. Guide to ecology information and organizations. H.W. Wilson, 1976.

UW: Natural Sciences Stacks (Z5861 .B87)
TESC: Main stacks (GF41.B9)
Summit holdings: 7 libraries, mostly stacks one reference

Books in Print Status: Out of Print
OCLC - no editions

Ecological Abstracts 1990-.
Monthly, periodical, abstracts

UW: Print in Natural Sciences lib and online as part of Geobase
Randy suggested that this is now owned by Lexis Nexis

Grzimak's encyclopedia of ecology. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976.

UW: Natural sciences and Odegaard stacks ( QH541 .G78)
TESC: Yes, but where
Summit holdings: 15 libraries, mix

Books in Print Status: ?

Lincoln, Roger J. A dictionary of ecology, evolution, and systematics. Cambridge, 1982.

UW: 3 copies, stacks and reference
Summit: 19 libraries, all reference - 1998 edition (4th ed)
listed in worldcat as book and online resource

Newest edition owned by 19 libraries in summit, but is nearly 10 years old
OCLC: Newest edition is book/online resource
Question: is the online resource updated?
For that matter, does anyone have the web version?
Books in Print: 1998 in print

Sheldon, Joseph Kenneth. Rediscovery of creation: a bibliographical study of the church's response to the environmental crisis. Amer. Theological Library Assoc., 1992.

UW: Suz/Allen stacks (Z7799.8 .S44)
Summit: 6 libraries, 2 reference
Holdings in theological/seminary schools
Only edition
Question: Define “church”
Books in Print: 1992 in print
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