My so-called life...

Dec 08, 2005 10:52

edubya just made me think of this with his comment on the pissing incident.

So, i never did apologize to that tenant about cursing. Actually, at the moment, she's slated to be evicted this month. There's something horribly funny and wrong about that all at once.

So this tenant has filed a police report twice in the past 30 days. First she left her door un-deadbolted and someone jimmied her door open and stole some stuff. She complained and I put some nails through her doorjamb and improved the lock on her window to make her happy.

Then, she files a police report claiming that while she was sleeping, two people attempted to break into her apartment by breaking the window and getting pushed through. She screams, recognized them and called the cops. I was kinda skeptical, but it looked kinda legitimate so we couldn't make her pay for the window. I suspected that she or one of her friends broke it by accident and were attempting to cover their tracks. After asking around the neighbors, I find one who saw the incident happen. Here's how it actually went down: A lone female comes to her outside window yelling for her to let her in the apartment; she continues yelling and getting no response, hammers the window, breaking it. A couple of days later, this neighbor sees the SAME female being let into the building by the tenant.


Now, she calls the police again. I get a phone call at 5 in the morning saying that she left to go to the club, locking her door and returned to find that her place had been burglarized and her rent money stolen from an envelope on the counter, her purse money stolen, and her apartment trashed. I'm not concerned terribly, because the police are on their way, so I tell her that it'll be ok and that I'll come over when the officers get there. On the officers arrival, I follow them into the building. The 'trashed' apartment turns out to be a couple of knocked over grocery bags of trash that had been set on the top of her already overflowing trash can. The outside window isn't broken and remains locked just as the tenant left it. I remark that the door couldn't have been jimmied this time, because the nails that I put into the doorjamb would have been obviously tampered with. Besides, the tenant told me she locked the door and you need a key for the deadbolt. The officer kindly points out that the tenant left the deadbolt unlocked AGAIN.

At that point, I was done with being up at 5 am and sure that we had no liability, however the event happened, so I went home to bed. I can't sleep.

It's the morning of the 6th of the month. Rent is due on the first with a grace period through the 5th. So her rent was already late. In fact, if she had left at 10 pm, she had to have gone to the bank or something to cash her social security check (have I mentioned she's only 21 and collects disability for having dyslexia, claiming that she's unable to work?). Why didn't she bring it over since both Beka and I were home all night. Our office hours end at 9 pm, banks close at 7pm, so she had to have had the money before our hours were up.

Here's what I suspect. She's irresponsible with the money she gets. She can't afford Christmas. So, in her mind, having her money stolen absolves her from paying rent this month, allowing her to have Christmas.

After the owner gives her the eviction notice, she plays that card. "It's not my fault, I shouldn't have to pay if my money was stolen." Anyhow, the owner is tired of all the BS, so he's evicting her if she doesn't pay. It's come to the point where its more of a headache to put up with her than get her rent eventually.

If the pothead downstairs doesn't shape up, he'll be getting the same treatment. Who buys weed instead of paying rent? Shame.

In actual Eric news, school is almost over. I totally roasted my justice professor during my book presentation project. We did a scripted community meeting and I wrote everyone in the class parts for the script. He commented that his lines were 'payback.'

Yes, Brad, yes, they were.

The class loved the whole thing.

Late for class! AHHH!
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