*Garth voice* "Ribbed for her pleaaaasure...."

Jun 02, 2006 20:12


*busts out in a happy birthday dance to music that exists only in my head* (quite the mental image, no?)

And just for you...

(lol, why did I include this one? Paris is disturbing in NORMAL size....jeeez)

And... are you ready for this?

LOL, see how much I love you, darling? ;) (<-- uh, the winking face is not about the LOVE but the Ewan-ness occurring on my journal *giggles*)

lala *wills his stubble to GROOOOOW for you*

I know, finally some proper beard action!

And lastly, a few icons that I made for you, darling:

(omg, I only just now noticed that the two Hayd icons have the same kind of color scheme and the same thing for the Ewan ones... weird, cause that was tooootally unintentional!)

I hope you're having an absolutely MARVELOUS day, sweetie! I love you SO much! *kisses and snuggles* Sorry I don't have the real thing of either of them.. and that there was an appaaaaalling lack of beardiness happening ;) I hope your birthday is going well though! *squishes* If I was there with yooou, I would have made you big Uncle Buck pancakes! And toast so big it wouldn't even fit through the DOOR! Because that is LOVE. *G*

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