I have been playing the tuba in marching band for five years. I played mallets for concert band/honour band/jointure band/marching band for about five years
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"the mallet players have to haul their instruments everywhere"
Actually, they get their instruments driven around a lot. But they do have to load and unload 'em. We tubas have to schlep our own shit =D
Anyway, practical questions for Elanna~ First off, do you want to put in the time for doing pit == mini-camps during summer, etc.? How is your knee these days? How much opportunity would you have to play mallets outside of MB? (I'd think concert band is dominated by percussion majors, but symphonic band maybe; and, of course, student theatre if it's in the score and they can manage getting keyboards.)
Pit is indeed a bunch of awesome people, so you would be in good company.
First of all: "...it takes forever for them to set up and de construct." We've got it down to a science. By the end of a season, it takes us ten minutes. Count it.
As far as switching sections, you tubas seem to have a lot of fun at the games and at rehearsal. Probably something about wearing instruments that cut off blood flow to certain appendages and not having to deal with Jim on a regular basis, haha. If I were in your place, I would probably have more fun being in a section where I already knew all the people and dynamics and inside jokes and everything. But then again, that's just me.
If you want, we can always talk about it at class!
follow your heart, young, blue woman... with big boobs...
i'd say you need to explore and challenge yourself... and maybe taking the weight off your shoulders would be a good relief for your achy back? i mean, do you have to carry as much weight with the mallets?
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Actually, they get their instruments driven around a lot. But they do have to load and unload 'em. We tubas have to schlep our own shit =D
Anyway, practical questions for Elanna~
First off, do you want to put in the time for doing pit == mini-camps during summer, etc.?
How is your knee these days?
How much opportunity would you have to play mallets outside of MB? (I'd think concert band is dominated by percussion majors, but symphonic band maybe; and, of course, student theatre if it's in the score and they can manage getting keyboards.)
Pit is indeed a bunch of awesome people, so you would be in good company.
Dunno, take your pick =D
As far as switching sections, you tubas seem to have a lot of fun at the games and at rehearsal. Probably something about wearing instruments that cut off blood flow to certain appendages and not having to deal with Jim on a regular basis, haha. If I were in your place, I would probably have more fun being in a section where I already knew all the people and dynamics and inside jokes and everything. But then again, that's just me.
If you want, we can always talk about it at class!
i'd say you need to explore and challenge yourself... and maybe taking the weight off your shoulders would be a good relief for your achy back? i mean, do you have to carry as much weight with the mallets?
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