Hello lovelies!

Aug 05, 2011 19:35

Long time no see, heh?

Well I thought it was time to get some news, and tell some. 
Well, there really nothing new about me, so my day.

There was a storm here a couple hours ago. Short, but big. I could see nothing outside, and there was hailstones (raining ice, that's the word, right?) and wind, lot & lot of wind. In less than 10-15 minutes, a lot happened. The shed of one of my neighbor got up from the land and was destroyed, BBQ and all included. Some others were greatly damage.

That's my neighbor 3-places balancing/rocking/whatever it's called chair, in my *other* neighbor's trees.

My parent's just got back from the grocery store, and apparently there a street completely flooded, most of the gazebos they saw were torn/damage, and it looked like there was some more damage near the river.

Apparently there was some sort of mini-tornado, or whatever. O___o . WTF? It never happens around here. The worse that we got, in my memories, from wind was a lost garbage can or something.

TL;DR: BIG  SUNNY  HOT  DAY --> THUNDER! LIGHTNING! WIND! HAILSTONES!  WIND! DARK! ---> Sunny and lovely day back, with complementary damage/destroyed stuff in the neighborhood. All that in about 20 minutes. WTF?

How have you all been?

about me, weather, weird

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