these are my most loved asian men. jacked from
#12 Se7en
Ethnicity: Korean
Seen Him In/Know Him From: singer (Solo) actor (Goong S)
First Impressions: His lips are huge.
Why I Love Him: I love his music. HE BREAKDANCES! Very well, at that. He's so cute! He speaks Japanese fluently. He's making an AMERICAN DEBUT!!!
#11 Vannes Wu
Ethnicity: Taiwanese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: F4/Kangta & Vanness (singer) actor (Peach Girl, Meteor Garden)
First Impressions: He sings English really well.
Why I Love Him: He grew up in Cali so HE SPEAKS ENGLISH FLUENTLY! He played my favorite character in Peach Girl and portrayed him PERFECTLY. His rapping is ridiculous.
#10 Akanishi Jin
Ethnicity: Japanese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: KAT-TUN (singer) actor (Gokusen 2, Anego)
First Impressions: He's really good looking ... ... who the hell is he?
Why I Love Him: HE'S SO STUPID. They don't call him Bakanishi for nothing. After I heard him scream, I laughed for about 15 minutes straight (no exaggeration.) Need I mention "Car Shrimp"? Also, half of Akame! SO MUCH AKAME LOVE. Plus, he's a little bit sex-on-legs.
#9 Kato Shigeaki
Ethnicity: Japanese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: NewS (singer)
First Impressions: he's kind of strange looking...
Why I Love Him: HIS JWEB. omg. OMG. He's fucking HILARIOUS. It might be the most entertaining thing I've read in my life.
#8 Han Kyung
Ethnicity: Chinese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: Super Junior (singer)
First Impressions: Why is there a Chinese guy in a KPOP group?
Why I Love Him: He's the only member of Super Junior who isn't Korean. That's just the best thing ever to me. He dances really well. plus, CUTE!~ And he's so funny.
#7 Kangin
Ethnicity: Korean
Seen Him In/Know Him From: Super Junior (singer)
First Impressions: He's ... very muscle-y.
Why I Love Him: After I saw the clip of a bunch of kids ignoring him, I fell in love!~ It was so funny. Poor Kangin just wanted to be loved and none of those kids liked him best out of the SuJu guys. Not only that, but he was all "HEY! can you even think about me a little?! I'm really not going [to play soccer with you]" and then after a minute he says "how could they leave me?!" and follows them. Omg, I died a little.
#6 Miyavi
Ethnicity: Japanese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: S.K.I.N./Solo (musician)
First Impressions: I didn't know Kame had a twin? WHY IS HIS HAIR SO COOL?
Why I Love Him: Well... He's fucking hyper as hell and it's really amusing. I love his music. I love his VOICE. Not to mention, what a hottie! It's pretty amazing, he can look sexy as hell even when he's dressed like a girl. Also, he's part Korean!
#5 Sungmin
Ethnicity: Korean
Seen Him In/Know Him From: Super Junior (singer)
First Impressions: He has a weird mouth.
Why I Love Him: Where do I start? WHERE DO I START? He's so fucking funny. His favorite color is PINK! He's like a girl, but not! CUTEST PERSON EVER. EVER. I think I fell in love with him when I first listened to him sing "U Got It Bad."
#4 Poppin Hyun Joon
Ethnicity: Korean
Seen Him In/Know Him From: Breakdancer, actor (Over the Rainbow, Fly Daddy Fly) singer (solo)
First Impressions: Who the fuck is THAT? (mesmerized by dancing)
Why I Love Him: He dances better than anyone I've ever seen. He acts. He makes music. Did I mention his dancing is fucking AWESOME? I'll seriously sit there for hours watching him dance.
#3 T.O.P
Ethnicity: Korean
Seen Him In/Know Him From: Big Bang (rapper)
First Impressions: ...does that voice really come out of that guy?
Why I Love Him: His voice is so awesome. He's gangstah as hell and it cracks me up a little bit. Not to mention, he's just plain funny.
#2 Jiro Wang
Ethnicity: Taiwanese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: Fahrenheit (singer) actor (It Started With A Kiss, Hana Kimi)
First Impressions: His hair is so stupid. It matches his character really well.
Why I Love Him: He's fucking hilarious. He's so, so funny. Really, he makes me so happy by being so silly. He's also really cute! I love cuties. I'd marry him without even thinking about it. Did I mention he listens to the GazettE?
#1 Reita
Ethnicity: Japanese
Seen Him In/Know Him From: the GazettE (musician)
First Impressions: He's really pretty. Why does he have that thing on his face?
Why I Love Him: I love the noseband. I won't act like I don't. HE'S SO FUNNY. LIKE... I'm fully convinced he's the greatest person to walk the planet. OH MY GOD, WHY IS HE SO FUNNY?
NOTE: I struggled with deciding who wins--Reita or Jiro. In reality, they tie. Since I have to pick a #1 for this list, I went with Reita... because I really talk about Reita more + just look at my journal. I mean, srsly.