Dear Mandy,
What a horrible day yesterday was! And I'm still in the hospital wing today.
That idiotic Gryffindor
Parvati Patil started hexing me last night when we met for our NEWT project note-sharing. As if I'm to blame for her friend's kidnapping! And she kept pointing that bloody nosering at me.
By the way, do you know much about Ancient Runes? She seemed to See what I was throwing at her. I think she knows more
Also, yesterday morning, I received a couple more Names. We should meet in private person. It sounds like I will be out of here later this evening or possibly early tomorrow morning. Why don't we meet tomorrow after lunch? There's a secret private room up on the seventh floor. Meet me by that strange tapestry of trolls in tutus.
It looks like they're coming to give me some more potions. I'll talk to you soon.