Sexy Geek Congratulations! You scored 63! Congratulations! You possess that heady combination of intelligence and social skills, geekdom and sex appeal. You're probably nowhere near as popular as you deserve to be, but deep down you know that anyway. Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me voleri? Famous sexy geeks include Nick Drake, Glenn Gould and Luke Skywalker.
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Comments 7
Congratulations! You scored 63!
Congratulations! You possess that heady combination of intelligence and
social skills, geekdom and sex appeal. You're probably nowhere near as
popular as you deserve to be, but deep down you know that anyway. Estne
volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me voleri? Famous sexy geeks
include Nick Drake, Glenn Gould and Luke Skywalker.
( ... )
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