Title: Sic Semper Tyrannis
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Word Count: 4,997 / 20,000 (?)
Spoilers: Guy's past, Fabre's role in the Hod war.
Summary: A slight twist of fate. Sync infiltrates the ferry after cursing Guy in Chesedonia, and when Luke is attacked, the others are forced to question why.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Sic Semper Tyrannis
Don’t give it away
You want the truth
It's all answers now
In the end, what saved them all was Natalia's presence; with two dead guards - their blood on Luke's sword - and an execution order from the king's brother-in-law, it had been difficult to move Guy out of the dungeon once he'd been reasonably stabilized and covered up with a blanket from the guard's storage room. The princess's commands had at least gotten them through the suddenly disorganized security, the three of them carefully bearing him out of the bloody cell and right out of the castle. Luke had wanted him as far away from the noblemen's level as possible, hell, away from the city itself, out of reach of his father and the king, but they all knew it wasn't a plausible idea in the slightest. Guy was in no condition to travel.
They had settled on the hotel on the lower level, paying the highest price they could afford to ensure they wouldn't end up reported. The innkeeper, yet another of Natalia's steadfast worshippers for lack of a better word, assured them that they would not be disturbed, and so it wasn't long before they had him stretched out on the bed, the three of them gathered around him, two surrounded by the pale glow of healing glyphs, the third holding gingerly to Guy's arm, watching him, making sure his chest continued to rise and fall. He wanted to hold his servant's hand, but didn't dare; both were so badly broken they looked like they were about the fall off, the skin around them swollen and discoloured. They looked horrible, he thought to himself, swallowing back a sob.
He'd allowed this to happen.
"Luke." He slowly lifted his head at the voice, meeting Tear's concerned gaze as she tried to focus on both him and the healing spell. "Warm water and a cloth - you need to wash off the blood and let us see his wounds. We'll also need bandages for when we're out of energy. And if he survives, he'll require a change of clothes."
He blinked at her, trying to grasp the meaning of her words.
If he survived?
But... they were healing him. They were making it better. Why wouldn't he...?
"Luke," Tear said again, tone urgent, and he scurried to the washroom, hastily filling a basin and bringing it back, setting it on the table beside the bed. He immediately went to work wiping away the blood, gingerly working along the shattered fingers, revealing more bruises and bones bent hopelessly out of shape. He tried, and failed, to imagine how much pain it had caused. It was beyond his imagination's capabilities, and that thought alone terrified him.
Guy had been through this for hours. Hours. And where had he been? Lounging around the manor, wishing for entertainment.
Selfish, stupid, naive. Typical Luke, he thought bychance, and had a moment to realize it was true.
All of it was true.
They left him a little while later, both exhausted and badly needing rest, the more serious injuries - most alarming of all, a serious wound at the back of his head - dealt with, others bandaged and to be handled when they'd recovered their energy, in order of severity. Tear had told him, as gently as possible, to watch Guy through the night. A rarity for her, that gentleness, but then, he'd never seen her care for such a badly wounded man. Perhaps healers were different in that aspect; even Natalia seemed disturbingly resigned.
He'd asked why, without argument, since he'd fully intended to stay by Guy's side until the man was in a far better state than this.
In case he doesn't make it, she'd responded.
In case he died.
So there he was, keeping watch over his best friend, waiting for the dreaded moment split perfectly between life and death.
He could have prevented all of this.
"I'm sorry, Guy," he whispered, brushing a few strands of stiff, blood-soaked hair away from his forehead. The blood was everywhere, it seemed; he had only cleansed a fraction of his friend's body, and he'd already been forced to change the water twice, so clouded had it become. "I'm so sorry..."
Guy didn't move, or show any sign that the words reached him. His form was still as death, barely breathing, chest lifting only the slightest amount beneath the blanket they'd covered him with. He watched his friend breathe for a few moments, willing it to continue with all his heart, needing him to keep breathing.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Guy...!
Sorry wasn't going to keep him breathing. Sorry wasn't going to make the wounds disappear. Sorry wasn't going to give him back the blood he couldn't afford to lose.
Sorry wasn't going to save him.
He swallowed hard, forcing himself to look away, instead focusing on cleaning the blood off Guy's face, the least damaged part of him, which wasn't saying much, considering the cuts covering his skin. Vainly he hoped they could heal him enough to prevent scarring. It was a silly thing to wish for - Guy had lost so much blood that it would be a miracle if he survived to see morning, and there were wounds far worse that needed tending.
Still... he couldn't imagine Guy with those scars.
He sat back, lips pursed, and reached into his pocket, retrieving the collar he'd managed to rescue from the bloody floor of Guy's cell. It was hopelessly stained now, the once-bright green material dyed a red so dark it was nearly black, the gold medallion almost completely coated with blood. He studied it for a long moment, then took the cloth in hand again, carefully scrubbing it clean.
He'd need a new collar, obviously, but the metal could be saved. It just needed some patching up.
Like Guy.
Guy was going to be just fine.
He made it through the night. Tear was surprised, though she tried to conceal it. Natalia seemed too exhausted to form an opinion on the matter. They took turns healing him a little more, then left him a second time, in search of breakfast and the other members of their party, who deserved to know what had gone on beneath the castle while they met with the king. Natalia herself mentioned something about going to see her father, since Duke Fabre had likely dealt with the situation without consulting him. Luke hoped that it at least meant that Guy would be safe from the risk of anyone coming to look for him.
Tear had tried to get him to go for food instead, or at least get some rest, but he refused. There was nothing in the world that could tear him from Guy's side now. He wanted to be there if Guy woke up, though admittedly he had no clue what he would do if that happened. Guy hadn't so much as twitched since he'd been rescued.
Luke was exhausted - hadn't slept at all the night before, busy watching over his friend - but he wouldn't allow himself to doze off.
"I don't know what to do, Guy," he whispered, head bowed, resting against the covers near the injured blond's pillow. "F... Father did this to you, didn't he? Even though he... acted like he wanted to help you. I didn't see it at all..." He shivered, recalling his father's smile as he left the manor. "I-I'm so stupid, Guy... I should've noticed something was wrong...!"
Guy made a soft sound, almost like a sigh, but when Luke lifted his head, he hadn't moved at all.
"...It wasn't just you, Guy. Natalia said Master Van was arrested when he arrived, but... they didn't do this to him. I don't know why." He gave a choking laugh. "I'd said it's because Master Van is so strong, but... you're strong too." He lifted a hand, stroking his fingers through Guy's hair, the way Guy had done years ago when he was a child. Overnight he'd managed to get the older man cleaned up, though a proper bath would have to wait. The smell of blood still lingered in the room, and it was no wonder the others hadn't been able to sleep here.
"They think Master Van kidnapped me," he continued after a moment, shaking his head. "Or... arranged for Tear to do it, made it happen so you could kill me in neutral territory. It's... it's all so stupid! If they'd let Ion get rid of the curse slot... a-and if they'd asked..."
If -I- had asked...
"Guy," he whispered again, leaning in close, lips hovering beside the blond's ear, "Father took a sword from the front hall. A-and Pere said..." He swallowed hard. "... Who's Gardios?"
Who indeed? He received no answer, of course. Not that he'd been expecting one. Tear had warned him not to expect much at all; with the severity of Guy's wounds, particularly the head injuries, he'd be lucky to wake up before the end of the week, let alone overnight. That was if he woke up at a-
Still, he had to hope. He had precious little else to go on, anyway.
Hope wasn't enough to overcome a full 24 hours of sleep deprivation, however, and with nothing to do but watch over a comatose man, it was no surprise that he fell asleep against the bed, slumping over in his chair, face half-buried against the covers. When he awoke several hours later, someone was lifting him off the bed, away from it, and he floundered in their arms, protesting weakly. "Wait... wait...!"
"Easy, Luke," a familiar voice murmured, holding him carefully to keep him from falling.
Luke blinked. He knew that voice, and quickly opened his eyes to confirm it. "...Master!"
Van smiled faintly, though even Luke could tell that the expression was forced. "It's alright, just try to relax. You need to rest."
Luke half-ignored his advice, straining to look back at the bed. Guy was still there, still asleep - unconscious - but his chest was partially uncovered, and Tear and Natalia were in the process of turning him over, very carefully removing the bandages to examine his back. He caught sight of the scars there and bit his lip. "Guy..."
"It's alright," Van repeated, setting him back down on his feet so he would stop squirming, but kept a firm hand on his shoulder. "Just let them do what they can for him."
"But Master-!"
"You'll only hinder them if you panic," Van added patiently, shaking his head. Luke blinked, wavering tiredly on his feet, and reluctantly stayed where he was. Besides the fact that Van did have a point, he couldn't help but notice the serious expression his master wore. Something was going on that he wasn't aware of, but it was apparently enough to worry even Van...
"Master," he repeated, forcing himself to look away from the bed, "How did you... Natalia said you were locked up!"
Van smiled again, giving his shoulder a reassuring pat. "Princess Natalia has already spoken with His Majesty, and Fon Master Ion delivered his message safely. We have all been granted a conditional pardon, so you need not worry about the soldiers you killed."
Luke's face fell; he'd somehow managed to forget about that. Guy had been worth it, of course, but... "What... do you mean, 'conditional'?"
His master glanced over at the bed very briefly - again, he could see Van's features tighten in a manner that he found unreadable - then motioned him off to the side, urging him to sit down. "The Malkuth Empire has requested aid from His Majesty, for the sake of those living in the mining town of Akzeriuth. He is sending you, along with Colonel Curtiss, myself, and a few others, as the ambassador of this mission."
Luke blinked. "I get to go on a trip with you?" His mind backtracked. "W-wait, ambassador?!"
Van set free a muffled chuckle. "Yes, to both. It would be good for you to learn to shoulder a little more responsibility."
The redhead bristled at that, but didn't retort. This was Master Van, after all, and Master Van had always been right before. And... he was awfully selfish. "When are we supposed to go to Akzeriuth, then?"
There was a long pause before Van answered in a low voice, "Within a few days, at most."
"Shh!" He heard a hiss from the corner, and turned to glare at Anise, who was standing over what looked to be a very shaken up Ion. The sight made him blink; Guy really looked terrible, but he was improving, wasn't he?
"S-sorry, geez," he muttered under his breath, scuffing a hand through his hair. "I... can't go to Akzeriuth now! Guy needs me! I won't leave him here!"
"Don't get upset, Luke," Van replied soothingly. "Once he's been stabilized, Guy will come with us." At Luke's incredulous expression, he continued, "We expect to be followed, if the God-Generals are still trying to kidnap the Fon Master for Mohs. I propose that we split our forces - I will travel by sea with a group of Oracle Knights, and you and your party will go by land. Guy will come with me. We will not leave him here in Kimlasca."
Luke blinked, face falling. "But...! Master Van... I thought I'd get to travel with you!" And Guy, he added inwardly, glancing over at his unconscious friend again. Considering how things had turned out, he didn't like the idea of being separated from Guy again.
Van shook his head, his expression incredibly patient. "Easy, Luke. You are the primary ambassador - I am merely an escort, but they will expect me to go with you. By sending me as a decoy by sea, it is more likely that we will be attacked, giving you better a chance of reaching Akzeriuth safely."
Eyes widening at that, Luke took a step forward, panic starting to rise. "Master, if Guy's with you, and you get attacked...!"
His master merely smiled. "Don't you trust me to protect him as I would protect you?"
Luke couldn't think of an objection to that. Of course Van would protect Guy - no one would ever do a better job of it. Not even himself! And if Master Van said Guy would be safe with him, then it was for the best to leave him. Although... "Master, what about... his injuries? Can Tear and Natalia heal him by the time we leave?"
Van lifted an elegant brow. "Luke, I too am a seventh fonist."
"... Really?!"
He chuckled again. "Yes. If there is any more healing needed before we leave, I will take care of it on the ferry."
"Well well, you seem awfully concerned about a mere attendant."
Both Van and Luke turned to look at the source of the voice, as Jade smiled at them from beside the bed, where he had been overseeing the resetting of Guy's shoulders.
"... I am concerned for Luke's friend," Van answered in a cool tone, lifting his chin. His gaze wandered very briefly to the figure stretched out on the blankets before meeting Jade's eyes again, his expression betraying nothing. "Aren't you the same?"
Jade fixed his glasses. "Oh, perhaps. The loss of Guy as a fighter will put us at a disadvantage when we leave."
Luke's eyes narrowed. "Guy'll get better. There's no way he'd stop using swords because of this!"
The enigmatic colonel merely shrugged his shoulders. "If Tear is able to mend his broken bones, that is."
"Colonel!" Tear scolded, not looking up from her work. Bright green light filtered between her fingers, gathering around Guy's other hand, while Natalia worked to heal the torn muscles of his shoulder. He was still on his back, his head curved to one side on the pillow, breathing faintly yet steadily.
"Ah, my apologies. I didn't mean to doubt you." Jade looked back at Van, still smiling, and shook his head. "Another time, then."
"By all means," Van murmured, returning the look.
Luke hesitated a moment, watching the exchange, then piped up, "Master... about swords... do you know what the sword in the front hall of the manor is?"
Van's eyes shifted to him immediately, widening a fraction. "... Why are you asking me about that, Luke?"
The redhead swallowed hard, shuffling from foot to foot. "Father... when he came to the mansion earlier... he took the sword with him when he left. I don't know why..."
His master closed his eyes very briefly, then reached out and touched his shoulder. "I'll look into it. Stay here, and take care of him. I will return as soon as I can."
Luke opened his mouth to protest, but in a flash of movement Van was gone, already disappearing out the door. He blinked, glancing over at Jade, who was still watching where Van had gone, wearing the same expression he always wore when (Luke suspected) he knew more than he was willing to say. "... Jade?"
In an instant, the expression was gone, replaced by Jade's typical smirk. "Ah, I apologize for alarming you. Just ignore that."
Right, Luke wanted to retort, Like that isn't suspicious. He was about to voice his thoughts when he heard a sudden cry from the bed, the sound so weak it was almost garbled.
"Nn... ahh...!"
In an instant he was back beside the bed, eyes wide, frightened. "G-Guy!"
His friend was awake, it seemed, but not quite himself; wild-eyed and covered in a thin sheen of sweat, he thrashed against the blankets, tearing his half-healed limbs free of the startled women beside him and trying to roll away from them. They reacted instinctively - Natalia pinned one shoulder down, Tear the other, both of them struggling to keep him from aggravating his wounds further.
"Guy!" Luke repeated, straining to get closer, though all their thrashing made it difficult to reach the bed without getting kicked.
Guy let out a mangled scream, the sound both pained and frantic. Natalia was calling to him, trying to get him to calm down, but he only seemed to grow more frantic, trying to wrench out of her grasp. Luke watched, transfixed, silently begging Guy to regain his senses and settle down. He was really going to hurt himself at this--
It was then that he realized just why Guy was struggling so hard.
"Get out of the way!" he snapped, cursing himself for not realizing sooner, and grabbed Natalia by the shoulder. He pulled her away, ignoring her baffled protests, and reached out to take Tear's hand, forcing it away from Guy. "Stop touching him!"
"Luke! What on-"
"He's awake, stupid!" he snapped, at no one in particular. His point was made even more clear as Guy settled down a little, eyes glazed in pain, breathing hard. The scars on his back were painfully clear through the sweat that now covered him, and a few of them seemed to have reopened, blood trickling slowly along his skin. He could recall Guy's reaction to Anise when she'd jumped on his back in Choral Castle - his response had been much worse than usual, and he'd been fully coherent then. No wonder he freaked out... they can't heal him the same way now that he's-
"He's awake," he repeated, eyes widening, just then realizing that fact. He dropped to his knees beside the bed, trembling, and reached out to take the blond's hand in his. "...Guy... Guy, it's me. It's Luke."
Very slowly, Guy's body stilled, and he shifted his gaze just far enough to meet Luke's eyes, wearily focusing on him. "...... L... Luke...?"
Luke felt like crying. He hated the feeling, and swallowed it back, rubbing his thumb over Guy's knuckles. "Yeah... 'm right here. You're safe again."
Guy just blinked drowsily at him, taking a long time for the words to fully register with him. "... What...? Where am I...?" He stirred a little, starting to try and lift himself up to look around.
Hastily, Luke set a hand on his shoulder. "Just... just stay there, Guy. You're still in Kimlasca, but we're out of the castle. You're free now, so... it'll be okay." Warily he lifted his head, glancing worriedly at Tear and Natalia. "It will be okay, right?"
Tear pursed her lips, hands at her sides. He hadn't noticed until then how exhausted she looked. "... His recovery will take some time, and he's lost a lot of blood, but we will be able to heal the worst of his injuries."
"What he needs after that is rest," Natalia added, her voice hushed. "He mustn't force himself."
It's Guy, Luke thought to himself, smiling wearily at his friend, while Guy looked back at him with eyes that didn't seem to see much of anything. It was frightening. He always forces himself.
"...Where..." Guy swallowed hard, wincing at the strain on his parched throat. Tear hurriedly disappeared into the washroom, returning with a glass a moment later and handing it off to Luke, who helped him drink before he tried again. "Where's... the duke...?"
Luke went still, eyes darkening. "Father... he's not here. You don't have to worry, Guy. I won't let him near you again... ever."
"... Luke..." Guy stared at him, at a loss for words. Luke felt his friend shaking, and lifted his free hand to cover Guy's, forcing his smile to return until his trembling abated. "... But... we're still... in Kimlasca...?"
"We're leaving soon," Luke bit his lip, glancing around at the others. There were things he wanted to speak of with Guy, things he didn't want to ask in front of the others. "We're... going to Akzeriuth, for Uncle." He saw Guy's expression darken, and hastily added, "He didn't know about this, Guy. He made sure Father isn't looking for you."
"I... don't trust him," Guy whispered, slumping back against the bed. "Either of them."
Luke couldn't blame him, admittedly. He was still in so much pain - usually Guy hid it, and hid it well, but even for him, this was too much. He just wasn't sure how to respond to that.
Thankfully, Ion saved him from more awkward silence; the Fon Master finally split away from Anise, quietly approaching the bed, eyes lowered. "Guy, I must apologize. This is my fault... I told everyone about the curse slot when you were unable to explain yourself, and the situation grew too far out of my control. Truly, I'm sorry."
"Ion..." Guy whispered, quiet at first, then a little louder as he continued, "It's... okay. You didn't know... this would happen..."
Ion opened his mouth to continue, but Anise was behind him, touching his arm and murmuring his name, so he merely nodded, looking resigned. "I will remove the curse slot before we leave, so please, rest until then and recover your strength." With that, he left the room, Anise in tow, fussing over him as she went.
Jade took a moment to glance around the room, then offered everyone an enigmatic smile, hands tucked into his pockets. "Well now, Tear, we really should get back to detailing our trip. Your Highness, if you could assist us...?"
The ladies exchanged glances, then looked back at Luke and Guy. There was a moment's hesitation before they both nodded and rose to leave, Natalia giving Luke's shoulder a light squeeze as she passed him. There was nothing more they could do until Guy was asleep again, since a number of the remaining injuries were both delicate and internal; that aside, what they needed now was the privacy that such a difficult issue as attempted murder demanded.
A man had tried to kill his best friend - outsiders had no place eavesdropping, and there were other problems to take care of.
Luke watched them file out of the room, inwardly grateful, and didn't speak until Tear - the last and surprisingly most reluctant - closed the door behind them. "Guy... will you be okay?"
Guy tried to laugh, the sound swiftly turning into a coughing fit, blood flecking the pillows as he shifted his head to face them. Luke watched, worried, supporting him as much as he could, all the while wishing he could do more. It wasn't enough - it would never be enough, he couldn't help but think. "I'll... be alright. Thanks..."
The young noble pursed his lips tightly. "Should I go bring Tear...?" He trailed off as Guy shook his head. "Okay... tell me what to do then, Guy! I'll do it. I want to help you..."
"Aren't you... angry?" Guy murmured, eyes averted.
"...Wh-what? Me, angry at you?" Luke stared at him, startled by the conviction he saw in his friend's eyes. He really believed... "You didn't really do anything! This isn't your fault - Father-"
"You knew," Guy spoke at the same time, and Luke cut himself off, the words so faint he could barely hear it without straining to listen. "... You... knew why I... attacked you."
"The curse slot," Luke replied reluctantly, eyes lowering to his hands. Guy shook his head again, wincing, and said nothing. "... Guy... look, if I... if I did something to make you hate me..."
"... wasn't... your fault," his servant managed, eyes closing briefly, as long as he dared. "It was... Fabre. Hated you... because of him..."
"Father?" Another tiny nod. "... Hey, maybe you shouldn't talk..."
"I don't want to die... without telling you," Guy said softly. He didn't look like he was joking.
Luke felt that icy touch on his blood again, hands tightening around the other man's hand. "You're not going to die!"
Guy smiled tightly, a hand on his chest, his breath shaky. "... don't... want to risk it. Just... shut up and... let me talk, okay...?"
He wanted to protest again, wanted to force Guy to stop and stay silent so he could regain his strength, but something in his friend's eyes stopped him. He didn't know what it was - couldn't read it at all - yet it was enough to make him nod, lowering his eyes and allowing Guy to say what needed to be said.
It was brief, that story, the secret Guy had carried with him for so long. It couldn't have taken more than a few minutes, even with his friend's hesitant, broken speech. Even so, every word was sheer agony. He hated it. He hated listening to it. But there was nothing he could do except listen, until Guy finished and laid his head back to rest, utterly spent.
"Duke Fabre killed my family."
"He destroyed everything I loved."
"I wanted revenge..."
He wanted to kill Luke. For years.
Luke swallowed hard. What could he say to that? "... G... Guy... you..."
"I... told the duke that... I didn't want it anymore," Guy whispered, hand shifting, reaching out to touch Luke's wrist on his own. "He didn't believe me, but... I... was hoping... you would."
There was a long silence, as Luke considered that. After all he'd heard, after what he'd experienced - Guy had drawn his sword, attacked him, nearly taken his life - it would have been so easy to doubt his words. But still...
"I believe you, Guy," he answered quietly, moving his other hand to rest on Guy's. His friend blinked, visibly surprised by the response. "I do. Because... my memories with you don't feel fake. The way you treated me... the way you talked to me..." He thought back to Guy's earlier words, shuddered, and then continued with, "We are friends. Nothing can change that, so don't ever think it, okay?"
Another blink, and then Guy smiled, the expression no longer as strained. "...I should've... seen that one coming..."
Luke grinned, relieved to see a bit of life return to Guy's features. He hadn't realized how frightening the situation had become until it changed, even the slightest bit.
They sat in silence for a while longer, Guy remaining still on the bed, trying to recouperate as Luke retrieved another bowl of water and began to cleanse the wounds that had broken open during his struggles with Tear and Natalia. He tried to stay quiet, tried desperately to keep his mouth shut, keep from asking the questions that were burning in his mind, but...
There was a feeling, a horrible, gut-wrenching feeling working its way up his body, scratching anxiously at his throat and urging him to voice his fears. He'd never felt anything like it, but it hurt, worse than even what he'd felt when Ion had first told him what the curse slot had meant.
He couldn't bear it, couldn't stand not knowing.
Something was horribly wrong, and he had to find out what.
And why.
"... Guy... why were you naked when we found you?"
Instantly, Guy's face paled, the blood draining away. He stared at Luke for a moment, trembling, then forced himself to look away. "...."
"... Guy?" Luke repeated, lifting a hand to touch his shoulder. He was startled when Guy flinched, batting him away. "Guy, I'm just trying to-"
"Forget it!" Guy snapped, pressing a palm against his forehead, grinding it into his skin. Luke's eyes widened, reaching out to grab his hand and pull it away as one of the cuts on his face reopened and began to bleed. "D-dammit, Luke..."
"Stop fighting, Guy!" Luke raised his voice, trying to hold him down without putting too much pressure on his hand. "You'll hurt yourself!"
"Then let go of me!" Guy demanded in response, still trying to pull himself free. "God, Luke, what do you want from me?!"
"I want the truth," the redhead answered, both hands clasped around Guy's, making him blink. He bowed his head, resting it on their joined fingers, hiding his expression. "I want to know... what happened down there."
"...." Guy fell silent again, hand twitching slightly within Luke's. It wasn't long before he had to avert his eyes once more, expressionless, completely unreadable. "You saw what happened. Isn't that enough?"
"I wish it could be," Luke whispered, shaking his head without lifting it. "I just... can't believe you."
Guy couldn't answer him. He truly, honestly couldn't; nor could Luke stand to let it go, too worried about the piece of the puzzle missing in his friend's story. And so they sat in silence until Van returned.