Sorry. But I hate the holidays. And the only thing that keeps me merry during the holidays is people who enjoy making fun of the holidays as much as I do. Call me an asshole if you must, you'd probably be right. Huzzah!
Anyway, on to other things...
First off, I would marry and then do the shit out of Dane Cook if he weren't way too hot, rich, and awesome for me. True story. Tiffany has a lot of Dane Cook CDs and we can't stop listening to them. It's too much really. I can't help it. I think he's insanely funny. And if you disagree with me, that's okay, because I will just pray to the jelly gods to burn your soul in a jelly like hell. I don't even care... Muahahaha
Secondly, I've got two days to crunch time for my report and still go shopping for 80s day because the Clarion Hotel is just one... giant... douche of a hotel. Lame. That's all I can think of. A giant douche that works my only two means of transportation to death. I really should just get my stupid permit and illegally drive by myself. Honestly... Double-lame.
Uuggghhh and I have Algebra first thing in the morning. It makes me want to kick my own self in the fucking face. Good news is that I may be able to get switched into an integrated class instead of an honors class. Meaning I could even get Mr. B or Garton. Mr. B is nice and funny as hell and lets us have headphones in his class. And Garton barely makes her students do work. The lazy and easy way out of Algebra? Sure. But c'mon, if ANY of you can tell me where I'll use parabolas in normal everday life? A REASONABLE explanation, besides "Oh, you might be an arch builder someday..." then I MAY reconsider. Until then, I'm praying to be put in remedial math.
But I'm sort of excited about my report. It's still about hate crimes, like I've already said. But I'm deciding to put my main focus on a specific hate group. The
Westboro Baptist Church. Which you may've heard of if you've ever come across I've heard of the church and the website before I started doing the report, but I just sort of pushed them from my mind (they sort of make me want to sick up, and all). But then doing research I came across them and they seemed perfect for my report, encompassing religion and sexual preference motivated crimes. And the pure psychosis of these people is nearly amusing if it weren't so scary... So, I think it should be interesting...
Nothin' else really goin' on, though. Talked to Daddy tonight, that was nice. He knows about Mom and Chris now. And he was depressed a little, but I hope that this will at least give him some closure. So he doesn't waste away the last of years pining away for a crazy woman. No disrespect to my mom, but I always thought it was really sad that my dad still loved my mom so much that he couldn't really get into a healthy, normal, adult-like relationship. Then again, healthy, normal, and adult-like were never my family's style...
Off to work on my report s'more. Really shouldn't be putting it off like this... "Procrastination is like masturbation. It's great until you realize that you're just fucking yourself..."