I guess you could say I drank more than my recommended number of units last night. But I did nothing illegal so that means its all OK though... um
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"Going through the gulf of Aden we heard 5 maydays from ships getting attacked by pirates but we didn't see anything and we have our squaddies on board anyway."
I would have wet my self. Thats terrifying. I hope they were all ok!
It really annoys me being made to read stupid articles which are making total non-statements. I just read a four page thing about the findings of some woman's autism research and she concludes "The results need analysisng
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Instead of revising last night, we watched Arnie movies and yelled, "GIVE ME YOUR CLOTHES!" "I'm a cop, you idiot!" "Do it now" and (my personal favourite) "Stop being a pussy."
Still, everyone loves statistics. R equals Z over square root N!