hatfullofstars asked me what I was reading right now, or needed to be reading anyway, so I thought I'd make a bulleted list because I love those damn things. I think I may love making bulleted lists more than I do reading, which is probably the problem here. I mean, this one is only a tiny bit longer than the list of ones I've
already read this year.
Back Burner:
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronté
- A Garden of Earthly Delights by Joyce Carol Oates
- Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronté
- The Secret Bride of Crannoch Castle by Kate Frederick
- Scruples by Judith Krantz
- Childwold by Joyce Carol Oates
- Night-Side by Joyce Carol Oates
I'm sure I'll have all of these done in no time! *proceeds to torch self*
See also:
Pathetic book list for 2006.