Title: Green Means Go
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (main pairing), brief Jensen/Danneel, Mike/Misha
Rating: R
Length: ~35,000 words
Summary: When the United States fragmented, the Ghosts became the unofficial power behind the Republic of Texas. After the deaths of everyone he cares about, the Ghosts are all Jared has left.
Four years later, Jared is on a routine mission when his world is turned upside down. Jensen’s alive, but has no memory of his former life, or the mission that (almost) got him killed. Old rivalries are resurfacing, and now Jared and Jensen are on the run from their own side. There’s a surprise awaiting them, a secret that could change the world - if only Jensen can remember the key.
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction.
Warnings: Violence, off-screen character death, description of a dead body, improbable science, and medically unlikely amnesia.
Author's Notes: Written for the 2010 round of
spn_j2_bigbang. Art by
apieceofcake - thank you so much, Jo, for your generosity and talent in bringing the story to life, and for not strangling me when I changed a critical detail at the last minute. This is the first time I participated in a story/art collaboration and you made the experience a real pleasure.
Many thanks and hugs are due to
dancetomato and
crazydiamondsue for beta-reading and fixing all my non-American vocabulary. Any remaining errors (and excessive semi-colon usage) are entirely my fault. Huge thanks to
affabletoaster not only for beta'ing but also listening to me blither on as I worked out plot points, and encouraging me to carve out time to write. I am very grateful to my husband for helping me brainstorm and for not begrudging the hours I spent writing about other men. *g*
wendy and
thehighwaywoman, thank you for all your work in coordinating this amazing event. Finally, thanks and love to
apreludetoanend, who dragged me into SPN and has always been an inspiration. It's thanks to her - more accurately, her Jared - that I know the okapi can lick its own ears.
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Epilogue Art Post(contains spoilers for the story)
AO3 (can be downloaded in multiple formats) ETA July 2011: This story now has a prequel!
Black Flag Over Texas tells the story of how Jensen and Jared met the first time, during the events that resulted in the dissolution of the US.