I shall be going to visit le boyfriend and le best buddy for about a week. PARTY...I'm leaving wednesday morning on the 20th and coming back the 25th (greyhound doesn't ahve good times for the 24th, them biznitches.) :D
Just finished Bara no Konrei. I really liked it, for a movie with no words and stuff. ^_^; Now I'm really wishing I had bought Cardinal at Tower Shibuya >_< Ah well, next year. Remind me to hit Disc Wave in Ikebukuro next year, someone.
I thought I lost my class ring about 20 mins ago, so I ended up running around the house looking for it. Mom, of course, said "don't tell your dad" ... anyway, I ended up looking through the GARBAGE...(ゴミのにょい大嫌い)for it. Then, when I finally go and ask my dad... "Oh yeah, I have it..." IN HIS PANTS! >_< grr.