Is My Cuteness Electric?!

Dec 23, 2004 13:31

Name: Jessin

Age: 15
Location: bXhood // New Jersey
Sex: Female
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?(pics would be even hotter): Single... and i like it [for now]
Bands (10):
[1] the Blood Brothers♥ //
[2] boys night out //
[3] fbtmof //
[4] daughters! //
[5] the faint //
[6] everytime i die //
[7] alexisonfire //
[8] terror //
[9] the locust //
[10] converge // ect.
Movies (3):
[1] the Goonies //
[2] Waynes World //
[3] thirteen // ect.
Books (3):
[1] Smack //
[2] Go Ask Alice //
[3] A Clock work Orange // ect.
Tell us a bit about you (about 5 sentances): I love Music.. I Play Bass.. But Im Not In A Band, because no one around here takes girls who play instruments seriously... and then the kids who want to start a band.. just wanna say they're in a bad to seem more "cool" and not do anything to persue it... I Go To Shows, and I Love To Dance, i Also love to meet knew people. im Extremly open-minded
How'd you hear about us (user or community name) ______ohno
Gay Marriage: completly for it... my uncle was gay [unfourtuantly he died]... love isnt something you can controll you don't choose to be gay so why tell someone their lifestyle is wrong.. they dont choose it. and people who say it's in the bible and all that religious bullshit... back when that shit was written gayness was considered to be a illness... people didnt understand it now a days we know a lot more about that and other things...
Abortion: im for it.. my cousin had an abortion when she was sixteen.. she was taken advantage of and ended up getting pregnant... there was no way she was gonna be able to take care of the baby, because when she got pregnant she was living in a motel...and then she moved in with my family... i do not belive in abortion as a form of "contraseptive"...thought...
Why do you think you should be accepted?: im honest as all hell // i tell it liek it is // im the mod of another community // and im active
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