An Open Conversation: ALL MEN MUST READ!

Oct 18, 2006 23:15

Guys. Before you IM me for the first time, YOU MUST READ THIS. I'm DEAD serious. (BTW, IM conversation used with permission of the other participant.)

electroinfecto (10:53:31 PM): as a woman who's botha feeeder and a feedie I get BOMBARDED CONSTANTLY about this
electroinfecto (10:53:38 PM): to the point that I don't want to go online with it anymore
fre12003 (10:53:50 PM): awww that sucks
electroinfecto (10:53:54 PM): because I can't handle all of the men being so OMGGIVEMEFEEDERISMNOW the second I log on
electroinfecto (10:54:00 PM): men have NO IDEA how to approach women
fre12003 (10:54:07 PM): well you should pick a few ppl who you like and talk to them
electroinfecto (10:54:08 PM): and, to a woman, it feels sexually threatening
electroinfecto (10:54:20 PM): I can't get to know anyone because they're all like *JUMPONME*
fre12003 (10:55:04 PM): well anyone who is too aggressive you should ax...
electroinfecto (10:55:49 PM): that would be EVERYONE
electroinfecto (10:56:01 PM): and that would mean axing people in the first IM of a conversation
fre12003 (10:56:08 PM): lolol
electroinfecto (10:56:15 PM): it's NOT FUNNY
fre12003 (10:56:17 PM): well maybe not that severe
electroinfecto (10:56:18 PM): it's ANNOYING
electroinfecto (10:56:23 PM): and THREATENING
electroinfecto (10:56:33 PM): YOU try being a female in this scene
electroinfecto (10:56:41 PM): men have NO IDEA how to behave when sexuality is involved
fre12003 (10:56:47 PM): id love it for a little while!
electroinfecto (10:56:54 PM): no, you wouldn't
electroinfecto (10:56:57 PM): you'd be terrified
fre12003 (10:57:02 PM): see thats why the no aggressive part is good
electroinfecto (10:57:11 PM): as a woman, we are taught that we have to be extremely careful about any encounter
electroinfecto (10:57:20 PM): and that a man who is being sexually aggressive is a potential rapist
electroinfecto (10:57:27 PM): that men have to earn our trust
fre12003 (10:57:43 PM): well i think its different on im
electroinfecto (10:57:46 PM): (sadly, it's even worse with lesbians. they take FOREVER to get to know you... it's rather annoying when you go to sex parties)
electroinfecto (10:57:52 PM): no, it still feels threatening
electroinfecto (10:58:20 PM): men need to learn to approach women as people first and then later, after everyone knows each other (which may be as soon as 5 minutes), THEN perhaps you can talk about sex
electroinfecto (10:58:40 PM): It's just, I told myself I was going to be open and friendly to everyone with this SN
electroinfecto (10:58:48 PM): but the longer I stay in the community the more I feel attacked
fre12003 (10:58:53 PM): k....well thats a good start
electroinfecto (10:58:58 PM): by horney men who only want to do what THEY want to do with me
fre12003 (10:59:15 PM): well see that should be the deal reaker
electroinfecto (10:59:21 PM): no, it's more of a "let's be a totally different person" type thing. it's like having a cheerleader persona online but being a goth IRL
fre12003 (10:59:25 PM): someone who doesnt listen to your interests
electroinfecto (10:59:28 PM): they're like "I want to fatten you up"
electroinfecto (10:59:44 PM): and it's like "how about... 'would you like to be fattened?' how about trying THAT?"
fre12003 (10:59:59 PM): ick
fre12003 (11:00:16 PM): see youll meet a few guys who are considerate and eloquent
electroinfecto (11:00:22 PM): sorry, this was supposed to be my online persona where I just let go of all of my judgements and I just let myself have a good time.
fre12003 (11:00:27 PM): and you should talk with them
electroinfecto (11:00:33 PM): but when I do that, I keep getting pushed further and further
electroinfecto (11:00:37 PM): until I snap
electroinfecto (11:00:41 PM): and then people get angry at me and leave
electroinfecto (11:00:51 PM): and it's like YOU MADE ME DO THIS, YOU FUCKERS!
electroinfecto (11:01:02 PM): if you weren't so GIMMEFEEDERNOW this wouldn't have happened!
electroinfecto (11:01:35 PM): I logged on tonight and I literally had 15 messages waiting for me and 20 requests to add me to other peoples' lists
fre12003 (11:01:47 PM): jeeeesus
fre12003 (11:01:54 PM): that is alot!
electroinfecto (11:01:58 PM): and of those 15 messages, 10 were "hey I like your profile I wanna fatten you up"
electroinfecto (11:02:01 PM): a few were just "hi"
fre12003 (11:02:05 PM): ick
fre12003 (11:02:12 PM): well forget those
electroinfecto (11:02:14 PM): some where men who don't get that if I'm offline, then I'm not online
electroinfecto (11:02:24 PM): and you shouldn't keep iming me saying "are you there? hello?"
electroinfecto (11:02:33 PM): and so I had like 20 messages from those gusy
electroinfecto (11:02:51 PM): you don't understand.,.. as a woman, it's not easy to just "forget those"
electroinfecto (11:02:56 PM): those messages are THREATENING
electroinfecto (11:02:58 PM): they're SCARY
electroinfecto (11:03:02 PM): they make me feel out of control
electroinfecto (11:03:07 PM): and turn me off to feederism
electroinfecto (11:03:16 PM): I don't WANT someone else deciding for me how fat or skinny I am
electroinfecto (11:03:21 PM): that is MY choice and my choice ALONE
electroinfecto (11:03:27 PM): MY body, MY choice.
electroinfecto (11:03:35 PM): whether it's feederism or who I fuck or whatever
fre12003 (11:03:43 PM): well remember your annonymous on here and if you ignore them theyll go away
electroinfecto (11:03:47 PM): (sorry, I'm dumping all of this on here)
electroinfecto (11:03:52 PM): I shouldn't hav eto just IGNORE them
fre12003 (11:03:55 PM): no worries lol
electroinfecto (11:03:58 PM): they should learn proper communication skills
fre12003 (11:04:04 PM): i understand
electroinfecto (11:04:14 PM): when the kids verbally abused me in school, they told me to "just ignore them"
fre12003 (11:04:22 PM): well you cant change other ppls behavior, only your own
fre12003 (11:04:28 PM): same here!
electroinfecto (11:04:46 PM): but it was like "would you tell a woman who was being beaten by her husband to "just ignore them and he'll leave you alone? if you react to his beating, you're giving him what he wants"?"
electroinfecto (11:04:52 PM): That's fucking utter BULLSHIT
electroinfecto (11:04:54 PM): abuse is abuse
electroinfecto (11:05:00 PM): and sexual harassment is sexual harassment
electroinfecto (11:05:15 PM): and innappropriate behavior is inappropriate behavior
electroinfecto (11:05:24 PM): these people didn't want ot take the effort to try to change the situation
electroinfecto (11:05:30 PM): they didn't want ot do their fucking job
electroinfecto (11:05:49 PM): so they made ME pay and they made ME get verbally abused to the point of having mental disorders from it
electroinfecto (11:06:05 PM): all because THEY didn't want to work to stop bullying and stop abuse
electroinfecto (11:06:23 PM): even though you may "ignore" verbal abuse, you can't completely ignore it
electroinfecto (11:06:28 PM): you start to internalize it
electroinfecto (11:06:31 PM): and question yourself
fre12003 (11:06:33 PM): do you?
electroinfecto (11:06:35 PM): and it DOES affect your self asteem
electroinfecto (11:06:54 PM): do I waht?
fre12003 (11:07:21 PM): really internalize all those im's?
electroinfecto (11:07:30 PM): no, but they scare me
electroinfecto (11:07:39 PM): 1 I can brush off as an asshole
electroinfecto (11:07:45 PM): but when you get a bunch of them, they're scary
electroinfecto (11:07:55 PM): they make every man in the feeder scene seem like a sexual predator
fre12003 (11:07:55 PM): theyre just guys trying to get off....
electroinfecto (11:07:59 PM): because that's how they come off
fre12003 (11:08:02 PM): im sorry it scares you
electroinfecto (11:08:03 PM): yes, getting off at MY expense
electroinfecto (11:08:18 PM): well, no more. I'm standing up for myself and for all the women who aren't being treated properly by men
electroinfecto (11:08:31 PM): I want to be fed, I want to do feederism, but I want to do it on MY TERMS
electroinfecto (11:08:40 PM): and for the people who want to be fed, I want to feed them on THEIR terms
electroinfecto (11:08:54 PM): it is MY body, and *I* am in control of it
fre12003 (11:09:03 PM): thats very true
electroinfecto (11:09:07 PM): /me the patriotic music plays in the background
electroinfecto (11:09:12 PM): and I will no stop here....
electroinfecto (11:09:13 PM): no...
fre12003 (11:09:19 PM): lolol
electroinfecto (11:09:32 PM): I will not rest until EVERY oppressed WG fetishist is LIBERATED from their OPPRESSION!
electroinfecto (11:09:36 PM): Till they are freed!
fre12003 (11:09:38 PM): lolol
electroinfecto (11:09:43 PM): For this country is a place of
electroinfecto (11:09:45 PM): LIBERTY
electroinfecto (11:09:48 PM): and JUSTICE
fre12003 (11:09:50 PM): FREEDOM
electroinfecto (11:09:52 PM): and WEIGHT GAIN FOR ALL!
fre12003 (11:09:58 PM): hahaha
electroinfecto (11:10:20 PM): /me wanders off stage. you see the american flag waving int he background and hear the end of the anthem
electroinfecto (11:10:23 PM): ...
electroinfecto (11:10:24 PM): sorry...
fre12003 (11:10:28 PM): lolol
electroinfecto (11:10:29 PM): I just kinda fell into that
electroinfecto (11:10:34 PM): Ir ealized that;s what I was doing
electroinfecto (11:10:38 PM): /me puts away my soapbox now
electroinfecto (11:11:04 PM): *sigh*
fre12003 (11:11:06 PM): lol
electroinfecto (11:11:13 PM): god, WHY do men have to be so creepy?
fre12003 (11:11:16 PM): no i underestand the soapbox
fre12003 (11:11:37 PM): cuz theyre horny guys in fetish mode!!
electroinfecto (11:11:42 PM): SO?
electroinfecto (11:11:54 PM): I'm a horney woman in fetish mode... you don't see ME doing that kind of bullshit!
fre12003 (11:12:04 PM): haha you dont have to!
fre12003 (11:12:15 PM): cuz everyones doing it to you first!
electroinfecto (11:12:16 PM): *I* still know that if I don't behave, that I will be rejected.
electroinfecto (11:12:22 PM): uh... you don't get it, do you
electroinfecto (11:12:29 PM): what men do is harassing to women
electroinfecto (11:12:31 PM): it's scary
electroinfecto (11:12:38 PM): and it's why women always have to be on the defensive
electroinfecto (11:12:44 PM): if men approached women with respect
electroinfecto (11:13:06 PM): and in the way that you're SUPPOSED to approach a human being... like a human first, and then with your sexual fetish later... we'd have a lot less problems
electroinfecto (11:13:21 PM): Men need to learn to curb their immediate urges.
fre12003 (11:13:24 PM): exactly
electroinfecto (11:13:28 PM): Their MUST HAVE SEX NOW urge
fre12003 (11:13:32 PM): but the internet facilitates it
electroinfecto (11:13:43 PM): but that's still NO EXCUSE for inappropriate behavior
electroinfecto (11:13:54 PM): we didn't buy it with the Mark Foley scandal and I'm not buying it now.
fre12003 (11:13:59 PM): i agree thats why i dont do it!
electroinfecto (11:14:03 PM): Good!
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