He's decided that if you're not "family" (which includes the tribe as part of the family) then you get charged 3$/hug. If you're "family" you only have to pay 2$/hug
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Ms. Kate was informed of the plans for today, that included going to renfest. She was jumping up and down with excitement. When I verified the arrangements to go and informed her she screamed "Woooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!! And ran to her brother 'Garrett, Garrett, we're going to renisiance festival!!!!' "
Remember that post about Katie wanting me to come to her picnic? I did. I was one of the only non setup & serve parents there who came just for the kids. Wow
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Tonight, technically last night, we went to the block party in D/C's neighborhood. Like last year the kids had fun. They found other kids to play with and had a good time
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Last night during out daddy / daughter talk I asked Katie about her picnic a week from Friday. I said "so other parents are coming" and she says "YES! I want you there!" before I could get the question out completely
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If I have a problem with one person, I don't know if it's them or me that had the problem. If I have the problem with two people then I still don't know but I start getting suspicious. If I have the problem with three or more people then I am the problem and need to look at myself and figure out how to fix it.