So I think my final decision is I'm going to do days 10 and 11 now since they go so well together and then I'll do the other days when I get back. I'll take a notebook with me in case I have an epiphany moment while I'm gone, but I'm guessing chances are slim lol. Anyway,
Day 10 - A photo of you taken over ten years ago
It was hard picking just one photo cuz I took such freakin awesome pictures as a kid lol. maybe that's why I don't really like taking pictures any more. I just can't top some of my work as a kid lol. Anyway, this is one of my favorite pictures of me to this day lol.
My She-ra picture comes in a close second though lol. I can never eat cake without thinking of that picture lol. Seeing that picture always makes me wonder how my grandma on my mom's side ever put up with me lol. I was always crazy and messy, and she always was orderly and liked everything clean lol. I will always remember getting to grandma's house, being told how big I've gotten and the running to play/hide in the basement so as not to upset grandma. Ah the childhood memories lol. I always wanted to play with all of my grandma's porcelain figurines, and ALWAYS got in huge trouble for it lol. She also had these coasters that I always pretended were pizzas and I would play with them under the dining room table while the grown-ups sat around and chatted. I wonder what ever happened to those coasters. They were nice coasters.
Day 11 - A photo of you taken recently
Well, this is one of the pictures that was taken while I was out visiting my niece Audrey for her birthday. It was one of the rare occasions she was actually tolerating and playing with me rather than running away screaming no lol. Most of the time I was Evil Aunt Martha and actually said no to her when she wanted to do things like eat only chips for dinner lol. And oh my gosh, I would make her say things like "please" lol. I believe in the picture she was telling me about bubbles since we were outside playing with bubbles and sidewalk chalk. We had to be really careful on her plastic climby stuff after a little bit of playing cuz it got pretty slippery with all the bubble solution. She also didn't listen to me when I asked her to wash her hands off before snack which resulted in unhappy times when she realized bubble solution doesn't taste very good XD. But from now on I think she'll remember that one lol. I think it's kinda creepy how similar Audrey and I look. Especially seeing our little kid pictures side by side like that. She was lucky though and got Sam's cute little nose lol
Well, I think that's about all I have for right now. Time to get my stuff together for my trip. Pray for me that I don't get lost up near Chicago lol.