Just finished watching the final episode of BSG ...
1. So what is up with the new cylon series in the fall? I always knew this series would never end, Everytime I think "finally, this is the end" it never is. And they're gonna air it on SyFy (wtf with that. I had just convinced myself that I was finally ready to boycott this channel, then they do this. Stupid channel execs have got us by the balls)
2. where the frak did Kara go? Was she just an illusion too? Argghh!!!!! It's like universal law that Kara will never be explained. Even after they explain her, something else frakked up appears, or in this case disappears.
3. i totally dig the fact that Badger became the president! :- ) For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, the actor played a fence named Badger in Joss Whedon's series Firefly.
4. I was actually totally psyched for the whole thing to end in fire. I missed most of the episodes this season, but my geek roomie has been keeping me apprised of the essentials; so when i saw the previous show clips and they were looking at the map/image of the cylon colony i thought "hey, that looks like a shadow ship" (Babylon 5 for those of you who are wondering). Then of course all I could think of was "Do not go to Z'ha'dum!" (pronounced: zaa haa doom)
5. The intermixing with scenes from the opera house in the battle sequence was frakking awesome! And then they look at the final 5 and we know who they all are!!!! Then the reconciliation with Cavil; I was thinking "what a letdown, this kinda blows that it's this easy" and then Chief Tyrel turned on Tory Foster and everything turns to shit in a handbasket, at which point I breathe a sigh of relief that all is once again right with the world.
6. Can I just say I fucking love the Six and Gaius that appear in Gaius and Six's heads! Squeee! "YOU CAN SEE THEM??" LOL!!! Although the dialogue just gets sooo cheesy right at the end. *sighs*
. . .
So I was kinda wanting to wait until the series was actually over before re-watching everything from the mini-series on, but now I'm thinking "do I wait for the new series?" Decisions, decisions.
Oh well. I'm ranted out by this point. Night y'all!