smiles1777! Sorry I had to split this into two posts 'cause the idea of posting 19 pages into one post...that's just too big, too much! I am in the homestretch of catching up with writing-commentary on your fic! For some reason, I have already written on parts 25-29, so I only have 17 -24 to go and of course, 30. =D I think it's because I printed out 25-29 without reading it straight off the kinkmeme, and actually lied down with pens and highlighters in hand and recorded my reactions as I read. =D
You're amazing. No, really. *HANDS* I- just. I don't know. I love this! I don't have the words to express how much I love doing this, reliving this and am still in awe at your brain. Every time. ♥♥♥