My once in a life time style entry. dontcha love it? the past few days have been hectic getting to school late, conflicts with people i didnt want to have with. But then it seems like you dwell on something so much during a weekend to the point, on monday brand new day...That conflict is overwith
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i'm not taking this shit seriously but schools cool i suppose.
and... i really, hate to sound like i keep crawling around circles but, i would really, hope to get back together with morgan, i know its out of the question, at least going out slowly but...
last night was pleasent. I endedup going to queens, getting there around 8:30 pmish and , meetingup with morgan and justin. justin used to go out with morgans sister, carmel, and i met him through morgan, obviously
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Schools been a pleasure somewhat. The only think i have and iffy and or maybe about is the after school hangout at rite aid, i might stop hangin there. i have to go caus eits 6:30 and that means i need to lockdown...but, good morning, night , w/e you're beautiful, etc -ggggggggggg