I am saddened and humbled to admit to you how truly terrified I am, but I find myself at a sudden impasse. I was under the hope that Fenrir may have left the area, but I find that I am wrong. I continue to find more of the same little clues, almost like love-notes, tucked into corners and crevices. Where they would be no doubt missed by my husband and blatantly obvious to the woman of the house. The full rises on Friday. I know not how to get Bill out of the house for the night. He's always so touchy and uncomfortable, suggesting a night away is sure to bring disaster, but I fear worse if we stay.
I can't help but think that tragedy awaits me, us, if we're here that night. That I, or Bill, will be laid to rest. I know Bill. He won't rest until he kills Fenrir, or Fenrir kills him. He'll stop at nothing to calm my fears.. To give us our life back. I don't know how to save my family, Remus. Or what is left of it.
I am in no way doubting your expertise in such matters, but I have valid reason to believe the wards you placed on my home have been breached. If you have not yet spoken to Remus about such matters I am not want to do so over a journal. I would, however, appreciate it if you could come to my home before Friday and check the security.
It would be best were my husband not present.