Just finished the seventh Harry Potter book.
1. I loved, loved, loved the Dumbledore backstory. Not only did it make Dumbledore a much more complicated character, it made his relationship with Voldemort a helluva lot more interesting. Understanding Voldemort's character is one thing; understanding Voldemort because he was tempted to do the exact same thing? Awesome.
2. If there don't end up being any Dumbledore/Grindelwald fics, I will be sorely disappointed.
3. Hermione Memory Charming her parents was skeevy as hell. Understandable, and even justifiable, but skeevy as hell. If she'd been born in a different time, she probably would have hit it off with young!Dumbledore and his fascist boyfriend Grindelwald.
...I may have to write a fic about this.
4. Neville Longbottom is FUCKING HARDCORE.
5. Similarly, I love Luna more than I can stand. Her friendship with Ollivander might just be the cutest thing ever. Prison BFFs for the win! Her dad broke my heart, though.
6. I'm still not sure about how I feel about Snape's emo backstory. Clearly, this means I have to read the book again.
7. The takeover of the wizarding world was genuinely frightening, but I'm not sure why the hell Voldemort waited so long to do it.
In conclusion, it was a damn good read. A bit clunky in places, and a bit too reliant on telling rather than showing, but overall? Damn good read. And I want to have Neville's babies.
...I kid, I kid. MARRY ME, NEVILLE!