&&&let us get to know you...
[x]name: Alyssa
[x]age: 14
[x]location: Florida
[x]10 favorite bands: Led Zeppelin(I'm a sucker for classic rock), The Velvet Underground, Interpol, Tilly and The Wall, The Decemberists, Joy Division, The Blood Brothers, The Mars Volta, Pretty Girls Make Graves, and Bright Eyes.
[x]best show you've been to: hm.. Bright Eyes with Tilly and the Wall
[x]favorite shop(s): Urban Outfitters, Ebay, Vintage Stores in Ybor, Forever 21, Salvation Army
[x]best accesory: Shoes, they can make a bland outfit look good.
[x]favorite fashion era: 20s, 60s, and 80s
&&&what are your feelings on...
[x]tye dye: Reminds me of Woodstock...heh.
[x]stripes and polka dots: Love polka dots, love stripes.
[x]white belts: I have one...it's getting a bit dirty though...aghhh
[x]bandanas: How scene! I dont wear them though.
[x]scarves: I have a bunch..I wear them everytime it's under 55 degrees. Florida, you know.
[x]buttons: Better than zippers...or if you mean band buttons...erm...they can annoy me, because the majority of people around here who wear them usually have crap bands pinned to their bag (I.e. Green Day)
&&&last but not least...
[x]prove your intelligence to us by saying something that sounds smart: The orbit of a planet/comet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun's center of mass at one focus.
[x]what makes you the coolest person ever? I don't know if I'm the coolest person ever..
[x]why do you want to get in? This seems like a fun and active community...
[x]how did you find out about this community? Random lj searching.
[x]show us two places where you promoted (link please):
http://www.livejournal.com/users/oddlittlebeing/22161.html?view=10385#t10385http://www.livejournal.com/users/sophistocratty/54260.html?view=115444#t115444 &&&and 3+ pictures, with at least two showing off your incredible fashion sense:
AGH sorry about the sub-par quality of some of these..