NEWWW <333

Aug 27, 2006 01:10

&&&let us get to know you...
[x]location:Catonsville, Md.
[x]10 favorite bands:
xDeath Cab For Cutie.
xLed Zeppelin.
xRed Hot Chili Peppers.
xBright Eyes.
xEver Since Radio.
xCounting Crows. -preferably Mr Jones.
xGooGoo Dolls.
[x]best show you've been to:HFStival in merriweather.
[x]favorite shop(s):Journeys, PacSun, Forever 21.
[x]best accesory:Purses =]
[x]favorite fashion era:Idkk I like alot.

&&&what are your feelings on...
[x]tye dye:I think its cute. Expecially when you want a little hippie style going on. ha
[x]stripes and polka dots:Love em.
[x]white belts:Ehh, dont really like them, except for the studded ones.
[x]bandanas:Eh Not my thing.
[x]scarves:Only in the winter.
[x]buttons:Love themmmm. They add style.

&&&last but not least...
[x]prove your intelligence to us by saying something that sounds smart:Einstein has around the Iq of 230. Haha. Im quite smart in real life, this was just the smartest most gay thing i thought of lol.
[x]what makes you the coolest person ever? I can say what I feel. I dont care too much what other people think of me.
[x]why do you want to get in? This community seems awesome!! =]]]
[x]how did you find out about this community? Ummm, intrests.
[x]show us two places where you promoted (link please):

&&&and 3+ pictures, with at least two showing off your incredible fashion sense

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