In other news, the boyfriend just got an XBox, which I'm 90% sure will be my replacement. Let's not forget I was a Halo widow before. I realize that not all men are irretrievably sucked into video games, never to be seen again...but I'm betting this one will be.
In other news, I jacked up my neck and cannot move. So much for my nice, relaxing
Well, I put an ad out on Craig's List. I've gotten lost pet responses from the owners of a Senegal parrot, an African Grey, and a parakeet. No one asking for a cockatiel
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Let's see. Between firings (not my own) rude coworkers (finally reported one jackass) and a HUGE OMFG dead spider in the AC vent (hooray for watching the legs waver in the "breeze") and then there's the whole relationship issue going on and ARRRGHHHHHHHHH.
Totally getting licensed as a paranormal investigator, BTW.
I wasn't forbidden from taking Friday off entirely, but it was strongly discouraged since we're so busy. And I have to train on Tuesday. Or is it Wednesday. Or whatever. I don't know
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Had a freakishly involved dream where we were in a war zone and the bf ditched me to go barhopping with his buddy, leaving me to defend the castle against a lot of bad guys. I had a broken gun. Then we went to the afterlife and they kicked him out because he wasn't dead
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Since we had July 5th off and the British didn't, I got back and was promptly swarmed with British campaigns, and by the way, their accents are lovely but some of those fuckers don't know how to use commas. Ever.
Baby still screaming downstairs. Mother attempts to soothe him in Spanish. Suz's teeth grind.
Apparently, the new people downstairs have a baby.
It screamed for an hour or so last night. That was nice to wake up to.
I don't know what the laws are about screaming babies in apartment complexes. There probaly aren't any. "Babies cry, deal with it." Okay, sure, but what about the fact that I NEED TO SLEEP AND YOUR KID IS PREVENTING THAT?