Stamped as Fire // Periodic Table theme

Aug 18, 2009 10:05


Name: Ozbourne

Previously stamped as: Main stamp is Fire, I'd have to look up all the theme stamps.

Location: A parallel universe Somewhere in Earth's northern hemisphere

Positive Traits: I'm independent, determined, creative, intelligent, ambitious, generally spontaneous, think quickly, analytical, decent (albeit dry and sarcastic and can be pretty dark) sense of humour, loyal to those who deserve it, mysterious, and not afraid to be myself.

Negative Traits: I'm distrustful, chaotic, unromantic, pessimistic, unforgiving, vengeful, have a bad temper, brood when I'm upset, tend to be bored easily, am quite a loner, my immune system sucks, I'm not physically strong, and my bluntness and sarcasm tend to upset a lot of people.

Pictures (URLs or thumbnails): We shall go with my avatar here.


Briefly describe your personality: I tend to come off as mysterious and strange since I tend not to answer personal questions or reveal personal information. This stems from my being quite distrustful. I hold grudges for a long time and at least in my mind I can be quite vengeful even if I don't actually act on it. I'm unapologetically individual; I do what I like and what I think is cool regardless of trends. I'm quite the solitary person. I don't like romance (cheesy stuff like public displays of affection and cutesy pet names make me gag and I've got no desire to open myself up to another person like that). I do, on the other hand, have quite a fondness for cute animals. I'm artistic and crafty (crafty as in I like to make things, 'though I've been called the other kind of crafty as well). I can also be quite chaotic. I've got a rebellious streak.

Are you more
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic.
Shy or Social: Not social at all, but I wouldn't say "shy" because I don't have the sort of timidity I tend to associate with that word. I'm just independent and kind of a loner.
Introverted or Extroverted: Very introverted
Idealistic or Realistic: Somewhere in the middle.
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant. I hate being submissive.
Grounded or Dreamy: Somewhere in the middle; I've got my fantasies and daydreams but I know they're just that and will never happen. (Especially the ones that tend to violate the laws of physics...)

Would you consider yourself adaptable or resistant? It really depends on the situation; when it comes to ideas/concepts I'm generally quite adaptable and open-minded, but if it comes to dealing with other people I can be quite resistant.

Which one sounds more like you? (Pick two maximum)
[ ] Soft, malleable, light
[ ] Airy, unstable, changeable
[ ] Resistant, resourceful
[ ] Warm, delicate, bright
[x] Temperamental, explosive, plentiful (er, maybe not so much with the "plentiful" though; I'm not enough of a physical presence to consider myself "plentiful" if that makes sense.)
[ ] Healing powers, strong, stubborn
[ ] Brittle, resistant to change
[ ] Colorful, intense
[ ] Lustrous, pure
[x] Dark, extreme reactions to changes


What colors do you think reflect your personality?: Grey, black, deep reds and greens and purples.

What is your preferred environment and climate?: Moderate temperatures (generally around 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit is where I'm most comfortable), not too humid but partly cloudy to overcast skies. I prefer somewhere where I can be isolated if I want to but it isn't so isolated that I can't go do things that I need to do. I like having a bit of nature around me rather than being in a huge city with large crowds of people.

Which of the four elements are you drawn to? Which one best represents you?: I was stamped as Fire, and I agree with that; it especially seems to fit my more negative traits. I do see a bit of Water in some of my positive traits, though, but Fire's a better fit.

theme - periodic table - lithium

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