Previously stamped as:
Regular: Earth
Flower : Cornflower
Gemstone : Pearl
Animal: Owl
Colour: Cream
Tree: Cyrpress
Weather Forecast : Sunny & Clear
Water Bodies: Brook
Landforms: Pensuila
Positive Traits:thoughtful, kind, caring, spirtual
Negative Traits:anrgy, stubborn, obsessive
Pictures (URLs or thumbnails):
Briefly describe your personality:Dreamy person that cares about people, that can be obessive and stubborn.
Are you more
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
Shy or Social: shy
Introverted or Extroverted:Introverted
Idealistic or Realistic: Realistic
Dominant or Submissive: Submissive
Grounded or Dreamy: Dreamy
Would you consider yourself adaptable or resistant?Resistant then becomes adaptable
Which one sounds more like you? (Pick two maximum)
[x] Soft, malleable, light
[] Airy, unstable, changeable
[] Resistant, resourceful
[] Warm, delicate, bright
[x] Temperamental, explosive, plentiful
[] Healing powers, strong, stubborn
[] Brittle, resistant to change
[] Colorful, intense
[] Lustrous, pure
[] Dark, extreme reactions to changes
What colors do you think reflect your personality?:yellow, blue, white, pink
What is your preferred environment and climate?:not to hot by th sea
Which of the four elements are you drawn to? Which one best represents you?: earth