Four applications that you have voted on:
Name: Trixcy
Previously stamped as:
} Autumn - regular
} Capricorn/Virgo - zodiac theme
} Pegasus: The Winged Horse - constellation theme
} Elm - tree theme
} Cumulonimbus - cloud theme
} Ocean - body of water theme
} Mountain - landforms theme
Location: Southeast Asia
Positive Traits: Prideful. Strong. Confident. Playful. Strong principles. Competitive. Easygoing. Focused.
Negative Traits: Selfish. Unforgiving. Ruthless. Unyielding. Challenging.
Pictures (URLs or thumbnails):
Briefly describe your personality: I'm an idealist with a good touch with the world. I'm easygoing and laid-back, even if I may have a no-nonsense approach to things. I like to take my time and do whatever, though there are times when I simply get up and pursue things with all that I have. I can be very calculative and methodical, but I can also be the first to act on a whim. I'm logical and instinctive, sensible yet spontaneous, responsible yet childish. I love a good crowd, people, the sky, victory, sparks of rivalry. I follow rules until it messes with me, or I'm just bored with it. Life in my eyes is something to be enjoyed, to be dared. I tend to tip the scale of two extremes. I love being responsible, but I also love feeling as if I'm living without restraints. I'm a 8w7 on enneagram type, which I think sounds perfectly right for me.
Are you more
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic!
Shy or Social: Social
Introverted or Extroverted: Extro
Idealistic or Realistic: Idealistic
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant
Grounded or Dreamy: Grounded
Would you consider yourself adaptable or resistant? I am adaptable to a lot of things, resistant to a lot of things. I'm there to adapt when certain things happen, so that I can direct the course to what I want. I love progress, and would change as things change. I resist when it comes to things I must protect and won't budge away from, and I insist on resisting to things I see no reason to say yes to. Eh. Obviously.
Which one sounds more like you? (Pick two maximum)
[ ] Soft, malleable, light
[ ] Airy, unstable, changeable
[ ] Resistant, resourceful
[ ] Warm, delicate, bright
[ ] Temperamental, explosive, plentiful
[ ] Healing powers, strong, stubborn
[ ] Brittle, resistant to change
[X] Colorful, intense
[ ] Lustrous, pure
[X] Dark, extreme reactions to changes
What colors do you think reflect your personality?: Opulent gold, sparkling orange.
What is your preferred environment and climate?: Somewhere beautiful and cold! Good strong wind on a warm sunny day, or a breath of chilled fresh air, and the calming sound of rain.
Which of the four elements are you drawn to? Which one best represents you?: I'm drawn to Air, represented equally by Fire and Water.