Five unstamped applications you have voted on: Basics
Name: Esmeralda
Previously stamped as:
Regular: Pond
Mythological Creatures: Nymph
Mirror: Autumn
Landform: Coral Reef
Gods/Goddess: Atanua
Water Bodies: Lake
Location: Denmark
Positive Traits: Passionate, romantic, dreamer and creative
Negative Traits: Emotional/sensitive, self-critical and stubborn
Describe your personality (You can also include Myers-Briggs, iPersonic types, etc): I'm a huge animal lover and nature lover. I'm an absolutely hopeless romantic, adventurous and a dreamer. I'm also a very happy and bubbly person. I'm too curious, self-critical, emotional, sensitive, and stubborn
Picture of yourself (URL or thumbnail): Lifestyle
What kind of area would you enjoy living in?: Somewhere with trees and waterfalls
What time of the day would you be active?: Afternoon
This or that:
[ ] Sleek
[ ] Elegant
[ ] Wily
[ ] Wise
[ ] Observational
[ ] Outgoing
[x] Colorful
[x] Loyal
[x] Curious
[ ] Independent
[ ] Troublemaker
[ ] Proud
[ ] Skittish
[x] Warm-hearted
[ ] Sneaky
[x] Cheerful
What activities would you do?: Explore, sing and travel