Stamped as Earth | God/ess of Elements Theme

Jan 12, 2011 19:15

Name: Nic

Previously stamped as:
Regular: Earth
Natural Disaters : Drought
Solar System: Moon
Flower : Cornflower
Animal: Owl
Gemstone : Pearl
Natural Wonder: Iguacu Falls
Colour: Cream
Western Zodic: Taurus
Constellations: Cassiopeia (The Queen)
Tree: Cypress
Mirror of the Elements: Autumn
Conitent: South America
Weather Forecast : Sunny & Clear
Cloud: Mammatus
Water Bodies: Brook
Landforms: Pensuila
Periodic Elements: Maganesse
Herb: Lemon Balm
Flower II: Gardenia
Parasite : Mite
Emotion: Curosity
Bird: Owl

1. What are some of your positive adjectives?:kind, caring, undertsanding, thouightful

2. What are some of your negative adjectives?: stubborn, obessive, materalistic

3. What is your favorite season(s)?: spring and summer

4. What type of animal are you more attracted to?horses

5. What element are you drawn to? Which one best represents you?earth

6. What is your most definable strength?my loyality and caring nature

7. What physical environment do you thrive in? What kind of weather?not to hot, and clear

8. Twilight, dawn, or night?dawn

9. Which words appeal to you?

[x] Sun
[] Night
[x] Growth/Prosperity
[] Fire/Heat
[] Destruction
[x] Rain
[] Clouds
[x] Universe
[] Hearth
[x] Wisdom
[] Powerful

10. Your pictures here

11. Votes
Voted on all that needed votes

theme - gods/goddesses - demeter

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