Name: Nicole
Previously stamped as:
Summer (Main)
Thyme (Herbs)
Rain (Mirror of the Elements)
Tulip (Flower I)
Beech (Tree)
Sagittarius (Zodiac)
Andromeda (Constellations)
Sea (Bodies of Water)
Sunny & Clear (Weather Forecast)
Freesia (Flowers II)
Europe (Continents)
Mermaid (Underwater)
Amber (Colors)
Lion (Animals)
Pixie (Mythological Creatures)
Happiness (Emotions)
Hummingbird (Birds)
Five unstamped applications you have voted on: I'll vote on all of them.
What are some of your positive character traits?: Funny, kind, open-minded, genuine, romantic, opinionated, strong-willed, passionate, compassionate, loyal, laidback, idealistic, optimistic
What are some of your negative character traits?: Impatient, quick-tempered, lazy, stubborn, selfish, insecure, moody
What element do you relate to the most?: Fire and water equally- both represent both sides of my personality.
What would be your role in a party or social setting?: The person that would go around talking to everyone. I'm not like, the center of attention but I'm still fun and friendly.
Idealism or realism?: Idealism!
What is your ideal career choice?: Interior designer.
Are you more scientifically or artistically gifted?: Artistically...I hate science haha.
In what academic subjects do/did you succeed in?: English, history, government.
Check what words/ideas attract you:
[ ] Spirituality
[ ] Solitude
[ ] Challenges
[x] Taking charge
[x] Strength of will
[x] True love
[x] Peace
[x] Nature
[ ] Changes
This or that:
Dominant or submissive: Dominant
Emotional or detached: Emotional
Cautious or reckless: Cautious
Introverted or extroverted: Extroverted
Patient or impatient: Impatient
Compassionate or just: Both
Unpredictable or predictable: Predictable