
Oct 27, 2004 16:18

lately i've been feeling kind of like i dont fit anywhere. not really that im stupid or...worthless or anything super depressing like that, but just like...that i dont fit in with my friends anymore. I've changed since freshman year started...since I made all those friends...and im a lot nicer than i used to be. I think how most of my friends bond ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

anonymous October 27 2004, 16:48:07 UTC
But...I love you Allison


our lives according to us anonymous October 30 2004, 21:59:30 UTC
allison, allison, allison. i honestly think we have more in common than we know, just in different forms. i've definitely been/am in the place that you describe. last year i had some problems figuring out where i fit in, and now that i've "found that place" i don't even know if it's the right place, you know, the right people and stuff. plus i know soooo many people that are beautiful and talented out the wazoo and i'm happy for them but i just wish i had pursued something totally and been crazy good at it... seems to late now. and my writing ends up making me had half the time, where as other times i'm fine with it. i dunno, i think it's just important that we remember that God is the only one we need to place and everything will fall into place. *shrug* love. kelly.


Re: our lives according to us anonymous October 30 2004, 22:01:50 UTC
*making me mad half the time
*need to please


anonymous November 5 2004, 17:41:23 UTC
your writing is awesome! its really good i promise. and, i feel like i'm one of your friends you can talk to. you don't talk to me that much though except to comment on saying that i'm cute or something just randomly. so yea.


elephantgirl November 24 2004, 12:07:40 UTC
who is this?


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