As we seem to share a number of friends, and as your LJ seems interesting, and you're in my favourite city in the whole world... I thought I'd friend you...
I found you through...ummm...I forget actually. But I read a bunch of your fic and enjoyed it, so I thought I'd friend you. ^^ I'm kind of on the outskirts of the PotC fandom and the other Age of Sail fandoms, but I do read a lot of fic. But please, don't feel obligated to friend me back. Unless you really like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and RPS, that is. ;D
Hello! You need me as a friend because there's nothing I love more in this world that POTC-Navy-Plotbunniez-o-death / Johnny / Slash and trashy Slash Icons for various Depp / Davenport fandoms.
Hello. Just wondering if I could borrow a few of your icons if I comment and credit their creators. :D btw. i <3 your bckground. I was hoping to get a norrington background if i could figure out how to do it. :D
That depends which ones - those that have a creator listed, you should probably find their journal and comment on them before taking; for those that haven't one listed, these are usually mine and in general not for sharing, sorry. Which ones did you set your eye on?
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Andrea / Illuminatrix "Sweetphaex"
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