
Jan 14, 2012 16:40

I've drawn another in my Sherlock series, this time the delectable doctor, John Watson!

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drawings, sherlock

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Comments 73

lawless523 January 14 2012, 17:21:05 UTC
This is wonderful!


elethoniel January 14 2012, 20:35:16 UTC
Oh thank you! :D


swissmarg January 14 2012, 17:21:51 UTC
Wow, this is amazing! <3


elethoniel January 14 2012, 20:35:34 UTC
Goodness, thank you ever so much!! :D


sunsetsinthewes January 14 2012, 17:26:22 UTC
Holy crap, this is amazing.


elethoniel January 14 2012, 20:35:51 UTC
Hee! Thank you ever so much!! :D


ariadnechan January 14 2012, 17:31:16 UTC
i love it!!


elethoniel January 14 2012, 20:36:05 UTC
:D :D Thank you!!


lydiaconspires January 14 2012, 17:33:16 UTC
That is amazing. It could be a photograph. It's fascinating seeing the stages. How do people draw like this?!


elethoniel January 14 2012, 20:58:06 UTC
Oh my, thank you!! That's so lovely of you to say!! :D I love seeing how other people create art, so I thought it would be fun for others to see how I create mine! Oh thank you! Honestly, I think everyone can draw like this if they practice lots (it's taken me nigh on ten years - drawing on and off - to get to this stage), but yes, it does take determination, lol. Or just a love of drawing, really! :)


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