Yay, meme!

Mar 02, 2007 00:44

Courtesy of bakabokken. Awesome, a fanfic meme! Don't see many of those. (Or at least I don't. :P)

1.) Is there another fanfiction writer you see as a rival?

Umm... everyone? XP No, nobody I can think of. I mostly write for fandoms with, like, no existing fanfic anyway these days so there's no one to compare them with. :P Back in my LotR days though.... ;)

2.) A writer that inspired you?

Ohmigosh, what a question. As far as fanfic writers, the ones that leap out at me are shirebound, budgielover and obeliamedusa for LotR stuff (they are amazing). As far as anime/manga fanfics go, um, everyone on my favorites list at ffnet? Actually, that's outdated now, although everyone there is still awesome. But I've got quite a few more that won't fit on the list. I'll have to go pruning one of these days...

3.) Do you have a favorite reviewer?

Since I've only begun writing anime/manga fanfics - plus, they're mostly oneshots - recently I really have no regular reviewers yet. :< But back in the LotR fandom obeliamedusa, esamen and shirebound were always especially helpful. <3

4.) What fandoms do you read/write for?

Ack. What a LONG list this is, at least for reading. For reading, just glance at my interests for all my favorite titles. owo Writing is easier: thus far I've written for LotR, Nabari no Ou, 07-Ghost, Saiyuki, PeaceMaker Kurogane, Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Amatsuki, Scrapped Princess, Wolf's Rain, and Cafe Kichijouji.

5.) Considering hits and reviews and feedback, what is your greatest work? And is your favorite work different from your greatest?

This is funny. If I'm only counting my recent (anime/manga) fic under the name tath-chan, then my least favorite story is actually my most popular. It was a request fic, the kind of romance AU that I always swore I'd never write. I find it hilarious, but not surprising, that it has turned out to be my most popular fanfic by a very large margin. Although then again, it's my only big multi-chaptered anime/manga fic, too, which is probably part of that.

As for LotR fanfic, though... I think that my most popular was AaSL, which was probably tied as my favorite with FotW. :3

6.) What is your favorite fanfiction of all time?

Ahaha, there's no way I can answer that. It changes all the time! I have lots of top favorites, though. "Adrift" and "Anchored" by obeliamedusa for LotR fic, "A Dog's Life" and "Keeping Face" by GreyLily for recent anime/manga fic, and I really couldn't tell you my top favorites from anime/manga fic I've read longer ago.

7.) Who is your favorite fanfiction writer?

Another unanswerable question! And again, just look at my favorites on ffnet, both under tath-chan and Tathar. And like I said, my list got full under tath-chan so there are probably dozens that deserve to be listed. My newest favorite, though, is arahyacinth, who writes some phenomenal anime/manga oneshots and runs the genfic archive Creative Genius. <3

8.) Ever read a fic you mourn for never being finished?

YESSS. Most particularly "A Rurouni's Guide to Idiocy" the name of whose author escapes me at the moment, and haku baikou's "Against a Sea of Troubles."

9.) Ever experience sadness for finishing a long story?

I haven't finished a long story in years, but I do remember sometimes feeling a little bittersweet over posting that last chapter. But like bakabokken said, the melancholy is usually brief and then my thoughts run more along the lines of "Great, one plot bunny done, 50 million to go..." X_x

10.) A fic writer you have seen improve over time?

I'm sure that I have, but none spring to mind right at this moment. moonsilverfic, perhaps.

11.) Do you think your writing has improved over time, or from early story to later story?

Gads, I hope so! And seeing as I first began writing fanfic when I was 13 (FIVE YEARS AGO OHMIGOSH), I am fairly certain that I have. ^^;;;

12.) Do you think you'll ever stop writing fanfiction, personally?

Honestly? Probably not. It's SUCH great practice for writing "real" fics, and just awesome for relaxing. It's one of my favorite things to do, seriously.

13.) Worst fic you have ever read?

Oh gosh, I don't know. There have been many, but usually I stop about halfway through the first chapter, so no names have stuck in my memory (thank goodness).

14.) Storylines you are tired of seeing?

Ugh. Highschool AUs (although I'm hypocritical and wrote one myself...), blatant self-insertion fics (does anyone like those, though?!), those hideous AUs in which the author sticks in a random female character (usually in a fandom like Samurai 7 in which there are, like, 2 female characters amongst a dozen guys) and proceeds to make every guy fall in love with her. For no reason. And usually it's just a thinly-veiled self-insertion fic. *shudder*

15.) Storylines you might like to see?

GEEEEEEN!!! Anime and manga fandoms desperately need more GOOD genfic. X_x I could also wish for a bit less angst and introspection and a bit more fluff and h/c. Yeah, I'm still a FrodoHealer at heart... XD

16.) Have you ever come across a respectable OC?

A few - actually, probably more than I realize. All of the OCs in Conspirator's "An Unexpected Lesson" were incredible, for example. OCs generally work better if they are not in danger of being even remotely possible as love interests, I find... Although that could just be me. :P

17.) When you review, do you admit to sometimes flaming?

Nope, nor do I intend to unless there are very specific extenuating circumstances.

18.) Any story plans tucked away for the future?

Shall I list them by fandom, or from biggest to smallest? X_X

19.) Fantasy or anime?

Oooh, both. Anime is winning, at the moment, but fantasy is a deep-rooted love of mine so they'll probably remain tied.

20.) Good friends among writers/readers?

Moreso amongst LotR writers and readers than those from anime and manga, but I'm proud to say that I do indeed have several very good friends. I really hope to make more in the anime/manga fanfic realm, especially. :3

21.) Do you ever use poetry, lyrics, or quotes to emphasize your story?

Very rarely, but I have done so. Not full-blown songfic, though.

22.) An author you miss who has stopped writing or moved on to other things?

Oh, several, alas. ;_;

23.) Ever met anyone from your fandom circles?

Not yet! obeliamedusa and I have been plotting to do so for literally years, but this year might finally be it. I would love to meet everyone, though, someday! (I'd also like to live in a castle, but hey, dreams are good! ;))

24.) Related to previous question, is there anyone you'd like to meet someday?

As I just said, most definitely! I'd love to meet as many of my writing and reading buddies as possible!

25.) Where/how do most of your ideas/plots/storylines come to you?

I really don't think there's any method to them. The two places they probably most often come to me are in the shower and in bed, but they can and do happen anywhere. As for the how, that varies probably as much as the where. Just thinking about a series or character(s), watching or reading the series (well, duh), random "what if..." thoughts that usually spring from talking with my sister or other fans. Oh, and doing schoolwork almost never fails to give me inspiration. I get some of my best ideas when I'm supposed to be studying. ;)

26.) Ever written a self-insert?

Not seriously. There have been several "Silly Ficlets," as they were dubbed, though...

27.) Off the top of your head, a fic or author with great characterization?

Probably GreyLily, because WOW. Her Sanzo and Hakkai are absolutely spot-on. Most particularly in "Keeping Face," IMO. arahyacinth's got an amazing gift for characterization. I couldn't choose just one from the LotR fandom, though!!

28.) Ever written or thought about writing a lemon?

No way! Never will, either. Blech.

29.) Ever been introduced to a whole new fandom following the whims of a favorite author?

Probably not an entire fandom, but sometimes my interest in one has been revived by something a favorite author has written. Star Wars is a good example of that. I got into it purely because I adored the Qui Gon-Obi Wan fluff I was finding. Actually, that hasn't changed. I still have no interest whatsoever in the movies, but I love the fanfic. :P

30.) Do you like to write songfics?

Not really. I've written a couple while thinking or listening to a certain song, but I have not written an actual songfic and I don't think it likely that I will. Just not really my thing, though I have nothing against it.

31.) How do you feel about alternate universes?

On the WHOLE I'd say it's one of my least favorite genres, purely because it has the biggest gathering of terribly written fanfics. That being said, I have read several excellent AUs, and I've even written two myself. It really depends on the type of AU, and who is writing it. Generally speaking I avoid an AU if I'm not familiar with the author.

32.) Got a favorite alternate universe?

I don't think I've read any recently, so I couldn't tell you any off the top of my head.

33.) Do you believe you will ever write professionally?

Absolutely. I'm convinced that that's what I'm here to do, so someday I'm determined to do it. I've just got to get this spastic attention span of mine under control... D:

34.) Ever stay up to insane hours read/writing fanfiction?

WIMCL. WAAAAAAAAAY too many times to count, seriously.

Okay, that was fun, but I am still procrastinating Tokoharu. *wails*


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